Second-semester Junior - What are my chances?

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Feb 14, 2013
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I'm a second-semester junior at Baylor University in Texas, planning on applying to med school this summer. How am I looking?

GPA - 3.92; BCPM - 3.93. The only three-hour science course I didn't get an A in was OChem 1 (B+), but I came back and made an A in OChem 2.
MCAT - Taking this in May. Currently taking a Kaplan prep course and studying like crazy. Hoping for a 34+.
Major: Neuroscience
I'm also an honors student who will be writing an honor's thesis as a senior over a topic in neuroscience.

50+ hours at a regional serving center interviewing clients, filling out intake forms, serving in a food pantry, etc.
75+ other miscellaneous volunteering, mostly with various student organizations. Unfortunately very little clinically related.

Shadowing: 50+ hours shadowing an allergist at a clinic (DO). Have a shadowing opportunity available as a senior at a family health clinic for 30+ hours as well, but of course this won't be on my initial med application.

Research: 7 hours a week in a neuroscience/psychology lab assisting in a study on DRM paradigms and false memory. Will have over 100 hours at the end of this semester and will continue as a senior.

Leadership: Unfortunately, none. I'm in a student organization, but it took time to find one I liked and I haven't been eligible for any leadership roles. I may try to do this as a senior.

LOR: Hopefully pretty good. Will get a glowing one from the professor I'm doing my thesis/research with; the others are less sure. May be able to get one from the DO I shadowed.

So that's it. One thing to note: I didn't start college early, but I am a year younger for my grade (have been since elementary school). So I'm 19 now and will be recently 20 when I apply. This does give me a little leeway if I absolutely needed to take a gap-year.

I'm a little concerned with my lack of clinically-related volunteering. I also feel like 50 hours of shadowing may not be enough, but it's all I can get before I apply (it's incredibly hard to find shadowing opp's, as I'm sure you're aware). What are my chances?

Finally, I have no idea what schools to apply to. How good of a school do you think I can get into, if at all? Are "tier 1" schools out of the question with my EC's, or would applying somewhere like Harvard be find for a reach school?

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My suggestion would be to begin to prepare to apply for the upcoming cycle (gather letters of rec in interfolio or to your letter service if your school has one and start writing drafts of your PS and activities descriptions) and at the beginning of this summer to look at your entire application holistically when deciding whether or not to apply. That way if you do decide to wait a year, you'll already have a good head start for the following cycle. You're right in that your ECs are not outstanding and would probably hold you back at Harvard and the like unless you scored insanely well on the MCAT (40+). I think you could make your application really shine by waiting a year, but you could also still get in this time around. Also, realize how much applying costs--25 apps might run you close to $3000.
Texas has a lot of medical schools if you would like to stay their you'd have a good shot. If you score well on your MCAT you will have a shot at more competitive schools. I barely shadowed before I applied (I found it hard to find people too) but I had a lot of clinical volunteer work which you must get more of to become a competitive applicant. You should find this very easy and fun if you want to be a doctor....
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Thanks for the advice. If I do clinical volunteer work this summer (and that's a big if, i'll have to find something first), would I be able to list it on my application? If I can't get any clinical volunteering, am I not competitive enough to apply this cycle?
I'm a second-semester junior at Baylor University in Texas, planning on applying to med school this summer. How am I looking?

GPA - 3.92; BCPM - 3.93. The only three-hour science course I didn't get an A in was OChem 1 (B+), but I came back and made an A in OChem 2.
MCAT - Taking this in May. Currently taking a Kaplan prep course and studying like crazy. Hoping for a 34+.
Major: Neuroscience
I'm also an honors student who will be writing an honor's thesis as a senior over a topic in neuroscience.

50+ hours at a regional serving center interviewing clients, filling out intake forms, serving in a food pantry, etc.
75+ other miscellaneous volunteering, mostly with various student organizations. Unfortunately very little clinically related.

Shadowing: 50+ hours shadowing an allergist at a clinic (DO). Have a shadowing opportunity available as a senior at a family health clinic for 30+ hours as well, but of course this won't be on my initial med application.

Research: 7 hours a week in a neuroscience/psychology lab assisting in a study on DRM paradigms and false memory. Will have over 100 hours at the end of this semester and will continue as a senior.

Leadership: Unfortunately, none. I'm in a student organization, but it took time to find one I liked and I haven't been eligible for any leadership roles. I may try to do this as a senior.

LOR: Hopefully pretty good. Will get a glowing one from the professor I'm doing my thesis/research with; the others are less sure. May be able to get one from the DO I shadowed.

So that's it. One thing to note: I didn't start college early, but I am a year younger for my grade (have been since elementary school). So I'm 19 now and will be recently 20 when I apply. This does give me a little leeway if I absolutely needed to take a gap-year.

I'm a little concerned with my lack of clinically-related volunteering. I also feel like 50 hours of shadowing may not be enough, but it's all I can get before I apply (it's incredibly hard to find shadowing opp's, as I'm sure you're aware). What are my chances?

Finally, I have no idea what schools to apply to. How good of a school do you think I can get into, if at all? Are "tier 1" schools out of the question with my EC's, or would applying somewhere like Harvard be find for a reach school?

As you find more clinical or leadership opportunities, you can add them to secondaries and update letters, though they can be annoying/time-consuming to write. Choose schools by purchasing the MSAR. Use information about average stats, location, programs/mission statements, and state preference.

That said, I would really recommend that you consider taking a gap year. I have been SO happy with the volunteer and shadowing experiences I've had, plus I've learned things that have allowed me to understand and articulate my reasons for going in to medicine in a way that never would have been possible a year ago. Also, I didn't have to balance secondaries and interview with class schedules. Finally, I think I remember reading a couple of posts on SDN by various adcom members who said that younger students are often hurt by having less time to mature, pursue extracurriculars, etc. Plus, you would much rather be a year older because of a gap year than having to reapply because of the lack of clinical volunteering!

Think of it this way. If you reapply, you have to explain why you didn't get in before and have to prove you've improved significantly. If you take a gap year, you get to talk about all the fun/amazing things you've done and no one will question why you took a gap year.
I'm pretty much in the same exact boat as you, similar stats but at UC Berkeley. We have pretty intense grade deflation though, so hopefully med schools will take that into account. I have two leadership positions in two clubs which will hopefully help. I am also taking a May MCAT and thinking about applying this summer. Good luck to you!