Seeking advice from current DPT students!

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Jun 26, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I've been accepted to pt school and will be starting my first semester this summer.

I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions regarding technology that I should probably invest in? Such as recorders, tablets, laptops, apps.... I've heard of some pretty cool things that will even record and transcribe it directly into your notes.

What worked for you? Or didnt work?

I appreciate any suggestions!

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I like using the notes format in MS Office for Mac. I can type and record at the same time. The program tries to keep my typing and recording in sync.
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Be careful of recorders. They might give you license to not pay attention during class. If you use it to listen to certain portions of the lecture to make sure you heard the professor correctly, fine, but don't use it thinking you'll listen to the lecture later.

I bought a Dell Ultrabook. It's great. I have all my documents, assignments, internet, and notes on one machine. Battery life is poor, but sit next to an outlet and you'll be fine. I really don't know how I went to university for four years without a laptop. It's essential IMO.

Tablets aren't ready yet. I see others using them but they're simply not as functional as laptops yet. I'd wait another three or four years to invest in a tablet for academic reasons.

Hi everyone,

I've been accepted to pt school and will be starting my first semester this summer.

I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions regarding technology that I should probably invest in? Such as recorders, tablets, laptops, apps.... I've heard of some pretty cool things that will even record and transcribe it directly into your notes.

What worked for you? Or didnt work?

I appreciate any suggestions!

Microsoft Office's One Note is awesome. It lets you type, write, draw, insert graphs, pictures, screenshots, record audio, video or audio/video. It also allows searching within recordings. It also matches the recordings with your notes. So, it's pretty useful! It's even better if you have a tablet PC. Not sure if there's One Note for Mac though.

Not necessary though. Lots of my classmates just use regular old pen and paper, or just type in the Mac note taking software or in Office Word and stuff.
I used a tablet throughout PT school. I think it is a very feasible option. Ipad 10 hour battery life, zoom on any pictures in slides. Weighs next to nothing. Able to get electronic versions of all the textbooks I needed for reference, carry my entire reference library with me. Granted, I still used my laptop to write papers. I also still took notes by hand when it was more convenient, then I would just take a picture of my notes and throw the paper away.

Essential software regardless of what you use: Mendeley for a reference manager and Dropbox to back up files

For IOS I used IAnnotate to review lectures. I would also suggest the Nova Anatomy series.

I never bothered to record lectures simply because there wasn't enough time to review them. It was generally more high yield to review my lecture notes and write questions from them.

Hope that helps
I grew up with Microsoft and have learned to really hate apple products, so I have no intention on buying any kind of ipad or macbook. I don't really understand how to use them, plus they are not compatible with Flash.

I have the Asus transformer and absolutely love it! But it is not really great for taking notes...I will probably use it for powerpoints and recordings.

Thanks for all your input!
Some schools already have their lectures recorded; you'd have to see if your school is one of them. I use my laptop to take notes and use my iPad to read research articles because I was printing way too many articles off. 🙂
I also have a Transformer and I tend to use evernote in my undergrad classes.

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Honestly just depends on how you learn. Most of my classmates bring laptops/ipads to take notes on. There are plenty of apps out there that can be helpful while studying.

Personally, I do so much better without a computer screen. I take notes with an old fashioned pen and paper and I can't say that I've suffered in any way!
I too will be starting a program soon. This is a good question! I was considering one of the tablet/laptop hybrids. I would like to be able hand write notes and also have the option of typing all on the same device.
You share notes in school and you'll get past papers. I take notes on my laptop and record the lectures. Try talking to some of the guys ahead of you or classmates, you'll end up sharing notes.
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I use all mac products. But best is a recorder. I would commute 30 min both ways (1hr total); so to listen to a lecture b4 & after a class helped allot. You can listen during a work out too. It adds on to study time. Something to think about.