Selling DAT study material!

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15+ Year Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Please PM me if you want to purchase any of my study material!

Most of my materials are not even used, I never got around to using them.

MATH DESTROYER 2010 Edition (no writing in it, I solved all the problems in a separate notebook)

DAT DESTROYER 2010 Edition (no writing in it, I solved all the problems in a separate notebook)

Schaum's Biology (New, never got around to using it)

Cliff's AP BIO (highlighted all the important parts)

Cliff's DAT Prep (highlighted important info)

Barron's MCAT book (highlighted some info information in the beginning of the book, but didn't go on)

Kaplan Blue Book! 100% clean! No writing in it. Very useful for GC and OC.

Thanks guys

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This should probably go in the for sale forum.
never mind please.
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