Technology Separate music libraries on iPhone

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20+ Year Member
Jun 30, 2002
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OK, once you get done laughing at me, will someone please explain to me how to keep different music libraries on an iPhone? I want to keep my classical music separate from my classic rock music.

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just create different playlists

My guess is you've never answered one of my questions here. I need actual instructions on how to do it. I've had an iPhone for years now, and only figured out the camera function about three weeks ago. I still have to figure out the whole slideshow bit; I tried one but I ran out of pictures, so the music stopped when the pictures stopped. I thought the pictures would just keep playing over and over until the song was over, but I'm guessing it doesn't work that way.
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Click iPod app to open
Tap on playlists (bottom left)
Tap add playlist
Type in name you want to call playlist
Tap save
Tap the (+) for each song you'd like to add
Tap done
You can also tap more (bottom right) and tap on genres which will organize your songs that way.
My guess is you've never answered one of my questions here. I need actual instructions on how to do it. I've had an iPhone for years now, and only figured out the camera function about three weeks ago. I still have to figure out the whole slideshow bit; I tried one but I ran out of pictures, so the music stopped when the pictures stopped. I thought the pictures would just keep playing over and over until the song was over, but I'm guessing it doesn't work that way.
Click iPod app to open
Tap on playlists (bottom left)
Tap add playlist
Type in name you want to call playlist
Tap save
Tap the (+) for each song you'd like to add
Tap done

That doesn't sound too complicated. Thanks!