Medical Should I consider Caribbean medical schools with a sub-3.0 GPA/507 MCAT?

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Jun 11, 2010
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I am looking for some insight right now.

So I did not do so hot in my undergrad. I ended up with a 2.8 cGPA and a 2.7 sGPA. I graduated this past may
I scored a 507 on my MCAT recently.
My EC's are good as well as a ton of volunteering hours and clinical hours. I have shadowed doctors in my area (Both DO and MD
I have been published once and in the process of another publication
And I have gotten amazing letters of rec from the doctor I shadowed as well as my research professor and a couple of med school professors (does this increase my chances if I am applying to the medical school associated with my alma mater?).

I am not sure what I should do. medical school is my dream and its the only thing I can see myself doing. Should I apply for an SMP? I am mainly looking to apply locally to DO schools. I have thought about the Caribbean (my brother went there and is in residency at the moment) but I don't know where to go from here

I am looking to apply to MSU COM or Wayne State MD
If anyone has experience at Wayne State BMS or how it works that would be great!

Do NOT go to the Carib. Your brother is one of the lucky ones. He's an exception, not a rule or example.

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