Should I send a LOI?

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Nov 12, 2023
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I got into one of my top schools on December 15th, but have not received an interview yet at the other (UMICH). I am in-state so UMICH would be cheaper and most likely be my #1 choice if I were to get an acceptance. Is it fair to send a letter of intent at this point, with no interview? I was also thinking that perhaps admissions would already recognize my increased interest in the school anyways as an in-state applicant, so I wasn't sure if sending an LOI would make any difference.

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It wouldn't hurt to do a check-in update email at this time, but I have a guess they will try to fill all their in-state spots by mid-January.
I got into one of my top schools on December 15th, but have not received an interview yet at the other (UMICH). I am in-state so UMICH would be cheaper and most likely be my #1 choice if I were to get an acceptance. Is it fair to send a letter of intent at this point, with no interview? I was also thinking that perhaps admissions would already recognize my increased interest in the school anyways as an in-state applicant, so I wasn't sure if sending an LOI would make any difference.
it wouldn't hurt to send an update, but i am sure that they are very certain that all michigan residents would attend UM if accepted...
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