Should I withdraw

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May 9, 2018
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I’ve lost a whole year for medical reasons 2019. Is withdrawing seen as a bad thing? Or how is it examined? What does this do towards your competitiveness for me?

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I’ve lost a whole year for medical reasons 2019. Is withdrawing seen as a bad thing? Or how is it examined? What does this do towards your competitiveness for me?
Can we have more context? Did you file a medical withdrawal with your school? What year are you, and where do your grades stand?
2019 was just a bad year to say the least, I'm 2nd year and I have a 3.1 and it was a medical withdrawal
Can we have more context? Did you file a medical withdrawal with your school? What year are you, and where do your grades stand?
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Given the lack of detail, move forward and perform well in all future classes.

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Well I basically got into an accident last year and had to deal with all this stuff and plus other stuff. I’m a sophomore/junior and well I know that you have to be competitive in order to die md so is it even reasonable that I could get accepted into md? Or what is your opinion? I tried to do two semesters but I found and did a medical withdrawal on both. So yeah basically that’s it. It’s my dream. If I do well on everything else in the future then will they accept my application?
You've already had a lot of people respond in many of your previous posts by saying, do well in your classes. Move forward and make yourself attractive in the application process. Many of us understand that life happens and it bumps us off what we think is a preferred route, but people still apply and get into medical school. I certainly say if you don't get over this apparently crippling lack of self-confidence and resilience, you won't be successful, period.
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