Should you continue to update schools after being admitted?

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Feb 9, 2024
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Could providing updates to schools I am already admitted to result in any additional aid considerations because they may make a more desirable prospective student?

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Just publications and new activities. Nothing groundbreaking.
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Could sending updates post-acceptance potentially help with receiving any merit scholarships (not need-based) from the school? Or is it not common practice to update a school on activities and accomplishments after they accept us?
Could sending updates post-acceptance potentially help with receiving any merit scholarships (not need-based) from the school? Or is it not common practice to update a school on activities and accomplishments after they accept us?
After you have been accepted, the most important updates center around your FAFSA, your final transcripts, your background check, your health vaccination record, your tuition check, and your appearance at orientation. Look at your program checklist and hit the deadlines.