When I interviewed there, it was a two year buy in (low pay and more hours) and then 5 more years until full partner. As a junior partner (or whatever they called it) you made significantly more than the first two years and got retirement benefits and some paid time off. A full partner took 7 years to achieve and I am pretty sure made in the 400s with reasonable hours (<1400). They worked 4-5 sites. The big site was busy but the other sites were more chill. This was over 8 years ago and they have since become a trauma center and I am sure volumes have increased, so pay may have gone up. Other than the long partnership track, they had some administrators and group founders who were still paid very well and didn't seem to do much, so that rubbed me the wrong way. I am glad I steered clear. Either way, they make less now, so Vituity must be getting their cut.