USMLE Step 1 experience - FMG

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7+ Year Member
Apr 28, 2014
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I have been a long time reader in this forum and found the various USMLE step 1 experience threads extremely helpful during my own step 1 preparation.

Main study materials used:

First Aid - did three complete passes and repeatedly went through more complicated sections (Nervous system, Biochemistry ...)
UWorld - 1st pass random timed, 2nd pass wrong and marked questions in tutor mode (by subject), 3rd pass wrong questions in tutor mode
Pathoma - Before viewing Dr Sattar's kidney videos I thought kidney pathology rather complicated and hard to memorize (especially the different nephrotic and nephritic syndromes) - not anymore! Really, you should go through Pathoma more than once, it's not only good for understanding the basics, but actually contains some very high yield details.
Sketchy - super helpful for microbiology and pharmacology - start early (pharmacology videos are rather long (up to 30 minutes) but absolutely worth it ! )
USMLE Rx - completed three quarters of the qbank during my first pass of FA - not nearly as good as UW but good for what it is

for detailed review of physiology concepts:
Costanzo's Physiology (not BRS)

Other resources
Goljan's RR pathology - maybe read one or two sections - actually found it rather confusing
Kaplan Q-bank - Bought it to supplement UWorld, but didn't like it. The questions are rather boring and quite repetitive.
HY Biochemistry and Genetics - stick to FA
BRS social sciences - read it at the beginning of my studies. But in my opinion the best way to study social sciences are UWorld qs
Lange pharm flash cards - only did a third or so - way too detailed for quick learning
BRS physio - I would rather stick to costanzos's larger physiology book for detailed review and use FA + UW for the rest
HY neuroanatomy - again use sth like an Atlas for detailed review and stick to FA for everything else
Clinical Vignettes - went through some biochemistry and Anatomy vignettes. I would rather do more UW questions...

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quick question, you are allowed to look at FA during breaks?
Actually you are. It's somewhere written on the usmle website. You are allowed to read, talk to others, leave the testing centre. You are never allowed to share questions or something like this.
But actually it's rather useless to read stuff up except of course for getting some peace of mind if you tend to fret over weird questions :D