Step 2 CK score reporting

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10+ Year Member
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Took the beast Wedn. Nov. 14, should I be expecting a score next Wedn. Dec. 5 (3 weeks from test day)?

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Is there a way to take this early 4th year without having it reported to residencies if we dont want to? thanks
Is there a way to take this early 4th year without having it reported to residencies if we dont want to? thanks

Any scores that are available before you submit your application (this year, Sept 15) are automatically transmitted. You have the option to turn off automatic retransmission for any scores that come in after that date, without any penalty. Then, you can manually retransmit after you see the score.

I did it for CK. Had automatic retransmission turned off, got my score about a week after I submitted my application, liked my score, and transmitted it. Programs got it maybe 3 hours later.
Any scores that are available before you submit your application (this year, Sept 15) are automatically transmitted. You have the option to turn off automatic retransmission for any scores that come in after that date, without any penalty. Then, you can manually retransmit after you see the score.

I did it for CK. Had automatic retransmission turned off, got my score about a week after I submitted my application, liked my score, and transmitted it. Programs got it maybe 3 hours later.

Did you then have to re-transmit your transcript a second time when you got your CS result?
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Any scores that are available before you submit your application (this year, Sept 15) are automatically transmitted. You have the option to turn off automatic retransmission for any scores that come in after that date, without any penalty. Then, you can manually retransmit after you see the score.

I did it for CK. Had automatic retransmission turned off, got my score about a week after I submitted my application, liked my score, and transmitted it. Programs got it maybe 3 hours later.

Is there any benefit to this if strong step 1 score? Step 2 was higher but not as high on the curve
A handful of programs require a Step 2 to rank you. Most of the ones I've heard of are UCs. I presume any of yours would tell you if that was the case.

Either way, if your Step 2 was remotely comparable to your step 1 (say, a few points lower or any higher), it almost certainly won't hurt you to release it. It's just another data point. (Mine went up >30pts, so I released it quickfast)
Depends on the specialty. I'm applying to EM, where more and more programs are requiring a CK score before they rank you.

Interesting. So I should have probably saved some trouble and just selected the automatic transmission of any usmle score report?
Interesting. So I should have probably saved some trouble and just selected the automatic transmission of any usmle score report?
It takes a couple hours max to transmit it after you click the button. I think you'd still be better off seeing it before the programs do :p
A handful of programs require a Step 2 to rank you. Most of the ones I've heard of are UCs. I presume any of yours would tell you if that was the case.

Either way, if your Step 2 was remotely comparable to your step 1 (say, a few points lower or any higher), it almost certainly won't hurt you to release it. It's just another data point. (Mine went up >30pts, so I released it quickfast)

Does 5 points lower count as a "few"? Both scores in 250s, but Step 2 was 5 points lower than Step 1. I know I probably sound like a total jerk here, but I'm debating not re-transmitting since the specialty I'm applying to is very competitive.
Does 5 points lower count as a "few"? Both scores in 250s, but Step 2 was 5 points lower than Step 1. I know I probably sound like a total jerk here, but I'm debating not re-transmitting since the specialty I'm applying to is very competitive.

dropped by more than 5, but still passed by large margin. not going to re-transmit.