Step I Anatomy Review Sources

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Eternal Scholar
15+ Year Member
Nov 2, 2008
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Any recommendations on sources for anatomy review for Step I? Haven't had really any anatomy for 1.5 years and need a good review but don't want to go overboard. Thinking Kaplan anatomy or BRS anatomy (which I think may be too much).


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I haven't taken Step 1 yet, but many will say that FA is enough. I don't think gross anatomy is as high yield as path, pharm, micro.
I'd recommend learning everything in First Aid and everything that you see in UWorld, then going over some Xrays, CT scans and MRIs. It's what I'm doing. You know that you'll get questions on common nerve lesions and maybe some high yield stuff on vasculature, but beyond that, anatomy is really tough to prepare for, so no sense in going overboard with a separate review book if you only have a few weeks of prep IMO.
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