Stony Brook vs. BU vs. Dartmouth

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Dec 18, 2024
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Hi everyone,

I have had a very nice cycle so far, I am still waiting to hear back from a few schools- 11 MD interviews and 4 acceptances (I also got into Drexel but I don't think I will be going there.) I know I still have time to decide and Finaid is not out yet, but I wanted to have a launching pad to start thinking about where I should go. I am interested in anesthesiology and dermatology right now but it's subjected to change.

Stony Brook
  1. I am from NY- this is actually my alma mater. I know the area inside out. I also already have a few connections here during my time as an undergrad. This also means I have my family and friends based in NY, so there's a support system here
  2. Tuition is unbeatable- I may not get any scholarships but the base tuition is like 44 k for a whole year, which compared to ~75 k, this is a fantastic deal
  3. It's also a great school, there is robust research, and almost all professors do some sort of research here (there's also cold spring harbor)- I can also branch out if I want to.
  4. I have a really great per diem jobs rn which is related to healthcare that pays almost $60/hr. If I go to SBU I will be able to continue this job (it's light and only max 16 hours a week). I know it's not advised to work during school but I wanted to at least try it out and if I can't handle it I will quit (plus maxing my Roth IRA every single year of med school would be incredible)
  5. NBME style exams, 1.5 preclinical years are perks.
  1. It is located in the middle of nowhere lmao, there's not much to do outside of campus (I've been there all 4 years, and believe me, u start kicking rocks at some point). To get to NYC the LIRR takes almost 2 hours
  2. Because public transport sucks in Long Island, I'm going to have to buy a car- that's $$$ *cries*
  3. I believe it's H/P/F for clinical years 🙁 so not true true P/F (but not a super big con)

  1. Looks like, from my peers and family, Dartmouth is more well-known. I know in terms of all the ivies, Dartmouth may not be considered the most prestigious but I also think it is an ivy nonetheless. I am not sure how much name carries for the future, but ofc there are certain things that comes with private schools like Dartmouth, they probably have more funding (so more resources)
  2. Nature and more nature, I won't like the campus is beautiful. I think living in NY my whole life, I will regain back all the years of my life that has been shaved away from pollution lol.
  3. Also NBME style, I thinkkkkk 1 year preclinical and it's a true P/F school so the stress level should be less. Matches well
  4. I also think ~95 student class size, which I like smaller class sizes (bc more attention and resources per student)

  1. Honestly, I feel like the only really big con is just leaving my family. At the end of the day I can't stop pursuing my future just because I will miss my family for 4 years (I mean like my mom and siblings, I don't have a family of my own- just to clarify). Plus it's only 4 years lol, it's not like I'm not seeing them again, but still sucks you know. Also comes with this- I will know nobody there. Will be starting completely fresh.
  2. I think it cost more, I heard rumors that scholarships/finaid is not very generous so It will probably be more expensive, like compared to SBU. Not sure in the long run how much of a difference of 100k is going to make (like for all 4 years)
  3. I think something happened at Dartmouth that was a big controversy right, like about the cheating scandal...I didn't like the way the faculty handled it tbh from what I read

Boston University
  1. I think out of all three schools, Boston probably has the most robust research opportunities out of the three (don't quote me), it's like in the heart of that Massachusett region with Harvard and other great schools
  2. Also great reputation. It's private- it may not be an ivy but it is still prestigious. I also like the city, it not as rural as like Dartmouth, more similar to NYC in some ways. So better public transport, there's stuff to do off of campus
  3. I heard housing was really easy to find outside of the school and I know it's P/F but not much more about the curriculum...
  1. similar to Dartmouth, just flying out of the bird nest- but I can't stop my future because I'll be away for 4 years, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things
  2. I think out of the three it is the most expensive! Cost of living is high too, must be funny since I am from NYC, but at SBU I can hike out the local aldi and eat like a rat for all 4 years and make it by
I must say I think I have the least information on BU as it was a recent acceptance so I haven't had much time to think about it. I got accepted to Darmouth and SBU like in October/1st week November, so

TYSM and any and all insight would be helpful!

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Stony Brook.

I know Boston will give you an advantage in the match, especially for Dermatology, but the cost difference of $120k for the 4 years is substantial. Not to mention, maxing your Roth IRA for all 4 years is a big boon considering compound interest, and being close to family and your support system will help.

All 3 schools have clinical grades according to

If Boston is willing to match Stony Brook’s tuition, then I would probably slightly lean Boston, but they have both have a solid reputation and I think cost should always be one of the biggest factors.
Stony Brook.

I know Boston will give you an advantage in the match, especially for Dermatology, but the cost difference of $120k for the 4 years is substantial. Not to mention, maxing your Roth IRA for all 4 years is a big boon considering compound interest, and being close to family and your support system will help.

All 3 schools have clinical grades according to

If Boston is willing to match Stony Brook’s tuition, then I would probably slightly lean Boston, but they have both have a solid reputation and I think cost should always be one of the biggest factors.
Oh wow I did not expect to get a response from a celebrity lol. So you think I shouldn’t even consider Dartmouth at all? Tbh I think deep down I’ve always been leaning towards Stony Brook. Yeah maybe the name is not as well known but I can always make the most of it and having job security and family is a big plus.

I feel like the only thing that may change this is if I get a full ride somewhere (not likely lol) but if miracles happens

Thank you for your input 🙏
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Oh wow I did not expect to get a response from a celebrity lol. So you think I shouldn’t even consider Dartmouth at all? Tbh I think deep down I’ve always been leaning towards Stony Brook. Yeah maybe the name is not as well known but I can always make the most of it and having job security and family is a big plus.

I feel like the only thing that may change this is if I get a full ride somewhere (not likely lol) but if miracles happens

Thank you for your input 🙏
It sounds to me from your pros and cons list that Dartmouth has many of the same cons as BU (cost), while exacerbating some concerns (proximity to what you know, etc.), without having any unique advantages. This is why I didn’t mention them, as they seem like 3rd place from your list.

Are you especially attached to their offerings?
Wait you said Stony Brook is P/F in clinical, but didn't mention for the others. Does that mean that Dartmouth and BU are p/f clinical?

It seems like Stony Brook is better on the financial side, but I'd re-evaluate based on scholarships if any. E.g. 30k a year is a big difference, but 10-15k a year might not be. Dartmouth is not as big a name in medicine as it has in its undergrad, and BU is with them in medicine, but both have a bigger name than Stony Brook and I think the new exposure to different training environments is a plus that warrants 10k a year extra. I imagine for Dartmouth, the COL is a lot cheaper too. This is from someone who doesn't need to be close to family though, so I see 4 years as nothing.
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Never underestimate the power of true P/F. Shelf’s are hard, especially when you’re already slammed with hospital duties. I would say wait for financial aid packages though.
Wait you said Stony Brook is P/F in clinical, but didn't mention for the others. Does that mean that Dartmouth and BU are p/f clinical?

It seems like Stony Brook is better on the financial side, but I'd re-evaluate based on scholarships if any. E.g. 30k a year is a big difference, but 10-15k a year might not be. Dartmouth is not as big a name in medicine as it has in its undergrad, and BU is with them in medicine, but both have a bigger name than Stony Brook and I think the new exposure to different training environments is a plus that warrants 10k a year extra. I imagine for Dartmouth, the COL is a lot cheaper too. This is from someone who doesn't need to be close to family though, so I see 4 years as nothing.
I think it is H/P/F for clinical at SBU and PF for preclinical. I think Dartmouth is a true pass fail throughout and not sure about B/U
It sounds to me from your pros and cons list that Dartmouth has many of the same cons as BU (cost), while exacerbating some concerns (proximity to what you know, etc.), without having any unique advantages. This is why I didn’t mention them, as they seem like 3rd place from your list.

Are you especially attached to their offerings?
I feel like it’s mainly my peers and the physicians I work with that are telling me that Dartmouth can provide a different environment for me to go farther in my medical career. Idk if it’s true though