Submitting secondaries without primary verification?

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15+ Year Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Anybody else in this situation?

I've gotten secondaries from GW, Cinci, and Arkansas, even though my primary application hasn't been verified.

Should I still be cranking out the secondaries I have as quickly as possible?
Or does it not really matter, so long as they get there roughly the same time as my AMCAS?

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It shouldn't matter as long as you have it there around the same time they receive your AMCAS.
Go nuts. The order they receive things almost never matters. They'll just start a file an plop your paperwork in as it arrives... but in the digital sense, of course.
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Anybody else in this situation?

I've gotten secondaries from GW, Cinci, and Arkansas, even though my primary application hasn't been verified.

Should I still be cranking out the secondaries I have as quickly as possible?
Or does it not really matter, so long as they get there roughly the same time as my AMCAS?

I'm working on them but not sending them in. Seems like they won't read it until your AMCAS is verified anyways.
Some secondaries require you to manually put in your MCAT scores again; so you can't send these in. Others, like Dartmouth's, are pretty short and may be sent in before your AMCAS is verified.