Submitting Secondary Near Deadline for a Non-Rolling School

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2+ Year Member
Mar 4, 2021
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Hello! Hope everyone is doing well in this rather stressful time of the cycle.

I am wondering if submitting a secondary near the deadline for a non-rolling school would pose significant challenges for my chances of getting an II (as a Canadian applicant!) Would submitting be worthwhile? Specifically, it's Duke, with their 8 x 400-word essays.

For context, I submitted most apps July/August, but since I only have 1 II so far, I think I should take all the shots I can get. I am probably going to end up submitting this secondary anyway, but I just wanted to hear SDN's collective wisdom on this issue. Thank you in advance 🙂

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Have their been people who have submitted in November and got it yes are the chances in your favor no
+1, odds are better with non-rolling, but still not great. It's up to you!