Summer Extracurriculars?

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Jan 3, 2019
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Hi all!

Which activities would be a good use of my summer in terms of preparing me to apply to optom? I've spent the last summer as a lab assistant in a vision research lab, and I've applied to a few optometry clinics to see if they need any part-timers.

Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!

(I'm new here so please let me know if there are any rules I need to follow about posting threads)

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Honesty just have a decent GPA/OAT score and you'll be fine. Your experience as a lab assistant is great and sufficient. Find something you want to do or get a job. I don't think optometry programs are as nitpicky about extracurriculars as other programs like medicine are.

Oh also shadow different optometrists if you haven't done so, that's a requirement for all schools. How many hours don't really matter
Honesty just have a decent GPA/OAT score and you'll be fine. Your experience as a lab assistant is great and sufficient. Find something you want to do or get a job. I don't think optometry programs are as nitpicky about extracurriculars as other programs like medicine are.

Oh also shadow different optometrists if you haven't done so, that's a requirement for all schools. How many hours don't really matter
What kind of optometrists should I shadow?
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Doesn’t have to be every single kind, just try whatever you can find. Hospital, retail, private practices, vision therapy, etc.

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Honesty just have a decent GPA/OAT score and you'll be fine. Your experience as a lab assistant is great and sufficient. Find something you want to do or get a job. I don't think optometry programs are as nitpicky about extracurriculars as other programs like medicine are.

Oh also shadow different optometrists if you haven't done so, that's a requirement for all schools. How many hours don't really matter

Thanks for the info!!
Hi all!

Which activities would be a good use of my summer in terms of preparing me to apply to optom? I've spent the last summer as a lab assistant in a vision research lab, and I've applied to a few optometry clinics to see if they need any part-timers.

Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!

(I'm new here so please let me know if there are any rules I need to follow about posting threads)

As a 2nd year student at PCO, I suggest spending your summer shadowing optometrists and building relationships with doctors in the field. I also suggest volunteering and completing charity work. I worked as an optometry technician for 5 years and that was the best decision I ever made in regards to preparing myself for applying to optometry school.
As a 2nd year student at PCO, I suggest spending your summer shadowing optometrists and building relationships with doctors in the field. I also suggest volunteering and completing charity work. I worked as an optometry technician for 5 years and that was the best decision I ever made in regards to preparing myself for applying to optometry school.

I just saw this!
Thanks for the detailed response

Could you give me any advice on applying to optometry offices? I've dropped off resumes at several locations already, but it seems difficult to find someone willing to hire only for the summer (I go to school abroad).
I just saw this!
Thanks for the detailed response

Could you give me any advice on applying to optometry offices? I've dropped off resumes at several locations already, but it seems difficult to find someone willing to hire only for the summer (I go to school abroad).

I don't think any place will hire just for summer. I'm sorry that you are in this situation but you should have started working years ago and establishing a relationship with the doctors you work for. It is not possible to do this in just a few months. I think schools appreciate long term commitment.
Since you may not be able to find a job, I suggest increasing shadowing and volunteering hours.