Summer Pre-Optometry Programs

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2+ Year Member
Jul 22, 2018
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I know there are a few Optometry schools that does summer programs for prospective students. The only one that I know of is UIWRSO's Summer Institute Program. I was wondering if there was anyone who attended this and could give me some feedback on how it went / any tips to stand out in the application?

Another thing - If anyone knows of other schools who do these summer programs, please drop them below! I'm interested in applying to any! 🙂

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UC Berkeley holds a week-long summer program for students interested in optometry. As a past participant and future Berkeley student, I highly recommend that you apply! It really helped consolidate my decision to pursue this profession. The program prepares tons of resources for you to gain a better insight into optometry by holding student and faculty panels, workshops, and more. Additionally, It's a great way for you to get to know the admissions staff and learn how to be a strong applicant for any school that you apply to. 🙂
UC Berkeley holds a week-long summer program for students interested in optometry. As a past participant and future Berkeley student, I highly recommend that you apply! It really helped consolidate my decision to pursue this profession. The program prepares tons of resources for you to gain a better insight into optometry by holding student and faculty panels, workshops, and more. Additionally, It's a great way for you to get to know the admissions staff and learn how to be a strong applicant for any school that you apply to. 🙂

Do you think they will still be conducting it this summer due to COVID19?