Summer Preoptometry Program

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Sep 29, 2019
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Hi everyone. I had a friend participate in AZCOPTs preoptometry program but I'm from the midwest and looking at SEE at CCO (CCO's preoptometry summer program). Has anyone on here participated, or participated in a similar program, and recommend?
Seems like a good experience and with lots of offices not allowing shadowing I'm wondering if this would help my application. TIA!

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I did it two years ago and it was a great experience—highly recommend! Got to talk with current students and faculty and shadow in their clinic. Application is pretty straightforward, just need to send in a letter of recommendation and transcripts.
I did this last summer with SEE at CCO, and I do recommend it! Unfortunately, due to COVID, ours was virtual so we did not get to be on campus in person, but I think it still gave me a huge advantage! You got to still see a day in the life as a student, see different aspects and specialties that CCO and optometry in general has to offer, and you get help with application and interview advice! It was definitely worth it in my opinion!