Summer Research Opportunities

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10+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2012
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Are there any summer research opportunities that DON'T require a letter of recommendation? All of my classes this year were huge lecture classes (500+ people) and none of them held office hours since we had TAs. Therefore, I haven't really become "close" to any of my professors yet.

Any advice, suggestions would be great.

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If your school offers research fellowships you prob wont need LORs, just find a prof willing to let you work in his/her lab this summer and apply.

If not, maybe there is a school close enough to commute to from your home and you can still find a prof willing to let you work in his/her lab this summer.
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Yeah, I was thinking more of something like SURF programs at universities.

As for research opportunities at my home institution, when is the best time to ask them? Now? Or when ti gets closer to the summer (like March)?

Yeah, I was thinking more of something like SURF programs at universities.

As for research opportunities at my home institution, when is the best time to ask them? Now? Or when ti gets closer to the summer (like March)?

I can tell you now that you won't find any SURFs or REUs that don't require a letter of recommendation. Try to find something at your university and do research while taking a course or something? when would be the best time to ask them? Now? Or when it's closer to the summer?
Thanks! I've researched some and I've found a few labs that I would be very interested in working in. However, only one has taken undergrads. Is that important? I thought that maybe the fact that they have undergrads mean they're probably more undergrad-friendly. However, I don't know if it's good to have several undergrads working in the same lab or vice versa (too few undergrads in a lab)? I'm completely new to all this so if any of you have experience, your advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
Paid or not, I'd suggest meeting at least several PIs. After I'd ask:

Will this be a valuable experience?...avoid labs that talk about all the gels you'll be making.

Am I truly interested in the lab's focus?...when one experiment has failed after another, at least you'll know the work you're doing is important to you.

Do I like the PI?...self explanatory.

Will I work directly with the PI or with a grad student, post doc etc? can end up with an an enjoyable experience either way, but still, something to consider.

Will I get any pubs out of it?...At the end of the day, if you see yourself involved in research in med school and beyond, pubs show that you can contribute to the scientific community and give you some credibility in the eyes of adcoms in research oriented schools.
You might try emailing labs in your school and ask if they need any help. Also, if you live near a research hospital, you can try emailing the PIs there if they need any help in the lab. Although the positons may be unpaid

I was kinda in the same boat last spring. Applied to two SURF programs that did need LORs. I ended up doing research at a local hosptal and no LORs were needed. It was also not an advertised position.

[Ironically how I ended up in the internship was that I knew someone who worked at the hospital (although not in a research role) who was friendly with a PI and matter-of-factly stated that I was applying to SURF programs over the summer. The PI said she was looking for research interns over the summer]