Supplemental Applications

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Apr 1, 2020
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What kind of questions do they ask in the supplemental applications?

Thank you,

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Hi Alisha,

Here are some examples of common supplemental application questions:

1. Please explain any extenuating circumstances surrounding a course in which you received a C or had to withdraw.
2. If there was a break in your education (such as a gap year) please explain your activities or occupation during that time.
3. What ethical dilemmas have you faced during your education? How did you handle them?
4. How would the curriculum and community of [name of school]'s program help you achieve your professional goals? OR What drew you to apply to [name of school]? OR What is your reason for choosing [name of school]?
5. Is there anything else not included in your application that you would like the committee to know about you?

Hope that helps! Good luck with your application!