Supplemental applications

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Dec 4, 2021
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Excuse my confusion, but are the supplemental application questions the ones that are found on the AADSAS Program Materials section for each school? I noticed that some schools mention providing a link to their supplemental application once the AADSAS application is submitted. Does that mean that they have more essays to write on their own websites?

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It's best to ask the schools or review the past school specific threads. It depends on whether the school/University has its own system to manage applications independently of AADSAS or TMDSAS. There could be essays but it could also be simply a repetition/confirmation of what you provided in your application.
It's best to ask the schools or review the past school specific threads. It depends on whether the school/University has its own system to manage applications independently of AADSAS or TMDSAS. There could be essays but it could also be simply a repetition/confirmation of what you provided in your application.
Thank you for the reply. I am currently applying to 9 schools out of which only one is not affiliated with the AADSAS. Most of the other schools have specific questions to answer in the Program Materials section on AADSAS and some mention that a link to the supplemental application will be sent once the AADSAS application is submitted. It is not clear if other essay questions will need to be addressed via their individual links and coming up with more things to add without being redundant will be quite a stretch.