Taking a gap year, what next?

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Jun 4, 2020
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I am a graduating senior with a BS in Biology. I have decided to take a gap year after I graduate due to personal reasons. While I do still want to go to optometry school and expand my education, I had to take a gap year. My problem is for those of you who have taken a gap year before optometry or any other type of med school, what was the first job you got with your biology degree? I have been looking around and seeing what is available in my area, but I have no clue what to even start applying for. Also, how do I know what I would be getting paid is sufficient for someone with a BS in bio and is just starting out as a fresh graduate?


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Proscribe is always hiring for medical scribes, or look for entry level jobs in a hospital setting where you could experience different specialities -- eye care tech, ENT tech, ED tech, etc. You might be surprised at where you find your passion in healthcare takes you.
Hi, try to find a job as an optometric tech or optometric assistant or ophthalmic assistant.