Taking prereqs at a CC to work full time EMS

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Jun 10, 2024
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I have to take classes online because of 48/96 schedule, and my 4-year does not offer classes online.
The classes have to be the prereqs because every other class I have left is upper-level at my 4-year, which can not be taken online.
I'm at 82 hours after my first year, so taking time completely off wouldn't be a problem, but working full-time without taking classes feels like a slippery slope to dropping out.
My question: should I take no classes while working because taking the prereqs at a CC looks bad, or is it ok to take the basic pre-reqs at a CC if I have to in order to work full time?

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You should try to not take prereqs online period if you can. Cut my options down to about 30-35 MD schools and some of those weren't reasonable to apply to for stats reasons etc. just take a break to work for a year and go back to the uni with a part time work schedule or something next year.
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Take the easier classes (general bio, chemistry, physics, stats) at a cc but see if you can take organic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology at a 4 year school!
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You should try to not take prereqs online period if you can. Cut my options down to about 30-35 MD schools and some of those weren't reasonable to apply to for stats reasons etc. just take a break to work for a year and go back to the uni with a part time work schedule or something next year.
Did you tell them that the class was online? On my transcript there is no distinction between the two.
Also, some schools just don't accept prereqs that were taken online?
Take the easier classes (general bio, chemistry, physics, stats) at a cc but see if you can take organic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology at a 4 year school!
That makes a lot of sense- you show rigor with those hard courses anyways. I just want to make sure its not an absolute killer to take the easier ones at a community college.
That makes a lot of sense- you show rigor with those hard courses anyways. I just want to make sure its not an absolute killer to take the easier ones at a community college.
absolutely not, schools understand (or should understand) that life happens
Did you tell them that the class was online? On my transcript there is no distinction between the two.
Also, some schools just don't accept prereqs that were taken online?
Yeah unfortunately a lot of schools don't accept online prereqs. Most of mine didn't have a distinction but a few did because my original school didn't offer Orgo lab online.