Temple vs. NYU

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7+ Year Member
Jul 9, 2015
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Any thoughts? Pretty conflicted

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No conflict IMO, would go to NYU - better name/location/fellowship matches. What were you conflicted about?
Well, I often hear people discussing problems with NYC programs, so I don't have a good sense of NYU's reputation (i.e. that it has a "better name" than Temple). I was leaning towards NYU anyway for the location, though.
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I graduated from NYU in 2012 and enjoyed my time there. I feel that the education was excellent and keeps getting better every year. Its a very expensive school, but you get to live in NYC for four years and gain some fantastic experiences in the big apple! I did the Navy HPSP scholarship, which I would recommend checking out if you are going to an expensive dental school!
I graduated from NYU in 2012 and enjoyed my time there. I feel that the education was excellent and keeps getting better every year. Its a very expensive school, but you get to live in NYC for four years and gain some fantastic experiences in the big apple! I did the Navy HPSP scholarship, which I would recommend checking out if you are going to an expensive dental school!

Ha, thank you for the advice, but I think you're commenting in the wrong forum. This is the ophthalmology residency forum ;). But welcome!
I graduated from NYU in 2012 and enjoyed my time there. I feel that the education was excellent and keeps getting better every year. l!
I know someone that went there and they would disagree that the education was excellent. However, I would choose to interview at NYU.