Program-Specific Info / Q's Tennessee State University

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Feb 18, 2014
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Did anyone apply at Tennessee State? Does anyone know when we should hear from them? OTCAS says interviews will be held the first Friday in April. I know that will be here before we know it.

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Did you apply through both OTCAS and the school application system? Haven't heard back from them, but OTCAS took forever to verify.
Yes I applied through OTCAS and completed their supplemental application. Hopefully we hear something from them soon!
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I also applied and have not heard anything yet. Which is a little surprising considering the interview is coming up.
I got invited to the interview in April. The email came in on Friday. 🙂
I just received (moments ago) an email invitation for an interview. It was surprisingly brief: "I would like to invite you for an interview as part of the application process for the class entering fall 2014. The interview will be Friday April 11th. If you accept by Wednesday March 26th specifics will follow."

(I'll be declining the interview since I've decided to accept an offer from UNC.)
Did you apply through both OTCAS and the school application system? Haven't heard back from them, but OTCAS took forever to verify.
So what is your advice on applying to Tennessee State University?? I haven't taken the GRE yet but I was looking over the test and the math section seems hard. I feel like if you don't use it you will lose it.
I just received (moments ago) an email invitation for an interview. It was surprisingly brief: "I would like to invite you for an interview as part of the application process for the class entering fall 2014. The interview will be Friday April 11th. If you accept by Wednesday March 26th specifics will follow."

(I'll be declining the interview since I've decided to accept an offer from UNC.)
What's your stats?? This will be my second time applying to OT school starting this summer. I have 63 hours of observation hours. I will try to get 40 more hours of OT observations. I'm getting my CNA license right now. I'm going to starting working in a assistant living facility. Right now I work with children. I've been working with children since 2005. I have a special needs child in my classroom right now. After I finish my CNA. I'm going to get my LPN. My gpa right now is a 2.83 however I'm going to take ten more classes to reach the 3.0 min. I'm worried about the GRE. The math looks horrible..
So what is your advice??? I want to go to Tennessee State University because I love NASHVILLE. I'm currently in KS and I hate it.
I also received an email about an interview that I will be declining.

So what is your advice on applying to Tennessee State University?? I haven't taken the GRE yet but I was looking over the test and the math section seems hard. I feel like if you don't use it you will lose it.

If you are really worried I would recommend taking a free practice GRE test through the ETS on their website. My practice scores were very close to my real scores, and honestly you may surprise yourself. I did far better on the GRE than some of my classmates with super high GPA's. Keep in mind though that the practice tests are just as long as the real test, so make sure you are ready to sit down and do all of it as if it were the real thing. I especially slacked off on the practice writing section, because I knew it wouldn't be scored. And I also feel like if you don't use it you lose it when it comes to math, but at the same time it also comes back really fast. A little practice for the math section can go a long way.
I got an interview invite today because one of you guys declined by the deadline. 🙂 I don't know much about the school, other than it is a HBCU, and the course descriptions look interesting - heavy on labs and practical experience.

For those of you who have visited the school before, what do you know about it?
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I haven't taken the GRE yet but I was looking over the test and the math section seems hard. I feel like if you don't use it you will lose it.

The GRE Math section is "adaptive". Meaning they guess what your math level is at the earlier part, and then in the later part, they give you problems that are at an appropriate difficulty level. In my case (undergrad math major), that meant they threw a bunch of difficult problems at me and I spent too much time on the really really hard time consuming questions and didn't go on to the easier one.

The GRE and other standardized tests are all about good test taking skills, which is different than actually knowing a lot. 🙂. If you can use process of elimination, pace yourself, know when it is OK to guess.. you can improve your score a lot. I recommend getting the Princeton Review GRE study guide. Don't pay as much attention to the vocabulary grunt work as to the tips to manage your time and guess effectively.
The GRE and other standardized tests are all about good test taking skills, which is different than actually knowing a lot. 🙂. If you can use process of elimination, pace yourself, know when it is OK to guess.. you can improve your score a lot. I recommend getting the Princeton Review GRE study guide. Don't pay as much attention to the vocabulary grunt work as to the tips to manage your time and guess effectively.
I couldn't agree more! When I was studying for it I focused more on how to take the test than actually learning new vocab, math principles ect. Still, I definitely had to refresh and strengthen my basic math skills so I could work through problems more quickly.

And good luck if you decide on TN State! I loved the idea of spending a couple years in Nashville, plus it seems like a good school. But ultimately I chose a school that was more affordable for me.
I couldn't agree more! When I was studying for it I focused more on how to take the test than actually learning new vocab, math principles ect. Still, I definitely had to refresh and strengthen my basic math skills so I could work through problems more quickly.

And good luck if you decide on TN State! I loved the idea of spending a couple years in Nashville, plus it seems like a good school. But ultimately I chose a school that was more affordable for me.
OK Thanks!!!
What's your stats?? This will be my second time applying to OT school starting this summer. I have 63 hours of observation hours. I will try to get 40 more hours of OT observations. I'm getting my CNA license right now. I'm going to starting working in a assistant living facility. Right now I work with children. I've been working with children since 2005. I have a special needs child in my classroom right now. After I finish my CNA. I'm going to get my LPN. My gpa right now is a 2.83 however I'm going to take ten more classes to reach the 3.0 min. I'm worried about the GRE. The math looks horrible..
So what is your advice??? I want to go to Tennessee State University because I love NASHVILLE. I'm currently in KS and I hate it.

My stats are:
- Undergrad GPA: 3.65 (Boston University)
- Prereq GPA: 4.0 (took almost all of these after graduating college)
- GRE Verbal: 166
- GRE Math: 160
- GRE Writing: 4.0
- About 100 observation hours (acute inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, special needs school, early intervention)

Don't be too intimidated by my GRE scores. I applied to TSU because I love Nashville, but ultimately their GRE range is pretty wide I believe.

I was also very rusty on both math and verbal before the GRE. After trying to study on my own and really not having the discipline and concentration required, I paid $99 to sign up for a 6-month membership to They have videos for every subject covered on the GRE, and they break it down very clearly. If you ever have questions, you can also email their tutors. I took a practice test before I started studying so I knew my baseline score, and Magoosh significantly improved it. I even found studying fun.

Best of luck to you! It seems like you are a hard worker and driven, so you will go far.
My stats are:
- Undergrad GPA: 3.65 (Boston University)
- Prereq GPA: 4.0 (took almost all of these after graduating college)
- GRE Verbal: 166
- GRE Math: 160
- GRE Writing: 4.0
- About 100 observation hours (acute inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, special needs school, early intervention)

Don't be too intimidated by my GRE scores. I applied to TSU because I love Nashville, but ultimately their GRE range is pretty wide I believe.

I was also very rusty on both math and verbal before the GRE. After trying to study on my own and really not having the discipline and concentration required, I paid $99 to sign up for a 6-month membership to They have videos for every subject covered on the GRE, and they break it down very clearly. If you ever have questions, you can also email their tutors. I took a practice test before I started studying so I knew my baseline score, and Magoosh significantly improved it. I even found studying fun.

Best of luck to you! It seems like you are a hard worker and driven, so you will go far.
Wow your stats are amazing!!! My undergrad GPA is a 2.83 however I'm going to get another bachelors degree which will be in Exercise Science. I hope to have my gpa at an 3.4 range. I'm taking 2 classes right now. I'm taking 4 in the summer and taking 5 in the fall. I have 63 hours observation hours. I'm going to get another 60 hours. I have a tutor for the GRE. What is your advice if you were in my shoes? How long did you study for the GRE. I'm thinking 3 months is good right or maybe 5? I'm trying to apply as soon as possible.
Wow your stats are amazing!!! My undergrad GPA is a 2.83 however I'm going to get another bachelors degree which will be in Exercise Science. I hope to have my gpa at an 3.4 range. I'm taking 2 classes right now. I'm taking 4 in the summer and taking 5 in the fall. I have 63 hours observation hours. I'm going to get another 60 hours. I have a tutor for the GRE. What is your advice if you were in my shoes? How long did you study for the GRE. I'm thinking 3 months is good right or maybe 5? I'm trying to apply as soon as possible.

Since you're worried about the GRE, I would recommend studying for 6 months. This will give you plenty of time for the information to sink in and stick. You will also be able to pace yourself better and won't have to study every single day like I did. A tutor will be great - especially in the beginning. I still highly recommend Magoosh services as well. They even give you a recommended 6-month study schedule:

Your GRE score will be good for five years, so I would plan to start studying sooner rather than later, if you hope to get into school ASAP. That way if you don't get the score you want the first time, you'll have time to retake it. Good luck!
Since you're worried about the GRE, I would recommend studying for 6 months. This will give you plenty of time for the information to sink in and stick. You will also be able to pace yourself better and won't have to study every single day like I did. A tutor will be great - especially in the beginning. I still highly recommend Magoosh services as well. They even give you a recommended 6-month study schedule:

Your GRE score will be good for five years, so I would plan to start studying sooner rather than later, if you hope to get into school ASAP. That way if you don't get the score you want the first time, you'll have time to retake it. Good luck!
Oh man 6 months I was trying to have my application in by mid July or August….I also just finish up an CNA class so I can get a job as an rehab aid...
I believe that although OTCAS has a place to self-report your GRE scores, that you can put a planned date in there. You have to send the scores directly to the schools anyways. You can start working on everything in July, but I doubt that waiting until September or October would hurt you. You would have more time to show at your rehab aide job. Tennessee State has two deadlines, and the second isnt until Jan or Feb.