test date question

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Jul 17, 2009
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Im going to be a junior (not yet) soon and was thinking of registering for Dat soon. Im still not sure when to take it...im too scared to take it. anyways, can anyone explain the process, when should one take it, how many times can i take the exam, and all about the registration process.

-ignore my screen name, im not a dental student, it was available so i took it.

-id appriciate help


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To be honest, you can simply search the forum and get all your answers.


1. You can take it up to 3 times, 4th time will need permission.
2. Have to wait 90 days until a retake
3. Take it when you are ready. However, if you are applying in June 2011 take it no later then August of 2011. It's best to take it prior to June, so you can have your application done. Without DAT scores, application is not complete.
4. Go to the ADA's official website, search DAT, and register from there.

Look in the DAT forum for study material:
