Testing Centers around LA

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Oct 10, 2006
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I want to know what you think of each of these test centers if you have been there:

2. USC
3. Everest College

Do you have any alternative suggestions?

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Well, I took my test at UCLA. It was alright. I took the test in a lecture hall. The seats were just fine, not too small, not too big. Also, they let everyone sit a seat apart, which was really so nice so you actually have more space to yourself. I'm not sure about the other two, but they should be about the same too.
Good luck!
I want to know what you think of each of these test centers if you have been there:

2. USC
3. Everest College

Do you have any alternative suggestions?

Desk space wise, i'd choose Everest College.

Organization wise, i'd choose UCLA

maybe it was just that one date, but the proctors were very unorganized. My group lost valuable time during our testing.
What about parking? What do you mean you lost valuable time? Do you think it affected your performance? Were you interrupted or was it just in between different sections that you felt the transitions weren't smooth?