The Official 07/30/10 MCAT Club!

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Feb 4, 2007
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Hey I would love to take the test then, but when I went on the website today there are no test dates available after early May.
Is it just my computer? Is anyone else able to sign up after May?

Hey I would love to take the test then, but when I went on the website today there are no test dates available after early May.
Is it just my computer? Is anyone else able to sign up after May?

No one is allowed to sign up for a test after May yet. They will announce is when registration opens for this period on their website but it will be sometime in the spring.

Hope this helps,

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I've been taking TPR 1 month intensive course that is supposed to prepare you for June 17th. I figure that I'd give myself a week or two of sheer practice after the course, reread and learn what I don't have mastered and then another couple weeks of pure practice. I plan on taking a full length every weekend or so up until test day, saving AAMC 9 and 10 for my last two tests.

Let's hope all my effort pays off! Otherwise, a delayed application won't have been worth it...
Are AAMC 9 and 10 more difficult than the earlier ones?

I just started studying this week. Took AAMC Monday before doing any prep to get a baseline and scored a 23. Phy 6 - Verb 10 - Bio 7

Of to more studying today! Good luck everyone.
I, too, am taking the test at the end of July, started studying this week as well!

Anybody in NYC looking for a study buddy? I am taking TPR course but it is online and I would love to meet a live and local person taking the exam this summer...
Study not Studdy!!!!

If you want a study buddy, let me know. Studdying is a whole different ball of wax I'm afraid ;).
I am in NYC - Midtown area.

I am using the Princenton Review book. Should be finished with it by June. Doing 4 chapters a day with a total of 46 chapters.

In my post-bac I never was able to get much out of group study sessions but I am open to the idea.

I will shoot you a message.
Are you guys planning on applying this year? Are chances still good w/ a god score? I took aamc 3-8 w/ an avg score of 25-27, how long do I need to improve to say a 35, from a PS 10, V 8, BS 9?

I'm planning on applying this year. I don't even think that you necessarily have to have a "god" score. If you're only scoring 25-27 on AAMC 3-8, you should probably hold off on taking AAMC 9/10 and fill in whatever gaps of knowledge you have. Depending on whether it is test-taking skills or gaps in knowledge, improving from a 27-->35 could take from a few weeks to months to possibly even never.
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I am also taking the MCAT on July 30th; but started studying last week. I am following the 3 month schedule posted by SN2ed. I am a week behind but trying to catch up. I haven't done any full length exams yet; but hopefully will do soon (after 2 weeks or so). Good luck everyone.
July 30th as well!!! Ready for it to be August and have the MCAT over with. I'm applying next year so I have a year to retake even though I'm really really hoping I don't need to!!!!
Finally found where I belong, where are all other people taking MCAT on this date! Probably studying...
Yeah I feel you kehlsh the thread is kind of dead we really need to pick it up July 30 mcaters. Keep studying though.
I'd love to have a study buddy of some sort with anyone who's taking the exam on this date! (keeping motivated in effort to outdo all the others in a standardized test of course hehe) PM me if you wanna chat or something about progress or anything related to MCAT!
I couldn't even find this thread for a while so I'm glad it's alive again!!
Im studying right now (story of my life).
Does anyone know how valid is? it doesn't line up exactly with that equations examkrackers is telling us to know and now I dont know who to believe...
good luck with the studying
Never used but personally I would just rely on EK equations they should be enough. Yeah this week has been terrible for studying I think I need to take a few days off and unwind I feel like I am burning out. Good Luck July 30th people.
Yeah I took a break from studying yesterday and it was glorious! I highly recommend seeing Karate Kid for those of ya'll who havent seen it yet. It is a really good movie!

Exam Krackers equations seem to be ok but i know theres a few they tell u not to memorize that you actually should. also i thought their doppler effect equations were confusing and I like Kaplan's better.

Ps. where is everyone else who is taking the MCAT with us? there has to be more then this!
How long have you guys been studying?

I took the MCAT back in September 2007 and will be re-taking on July 30th due to my score being expired at some schools. Hearing people say 3 months of studying makes me nervous, because I've just started within the last week or so :scared:. However I'm lucky because I don't have a job, and will be studying all day 5-6 days/week until the test day.
I started studying in mid may after my finals were over so I gave myself a little over 2 months. 3 months I think seems to be overkill unless u have to relearn all the content.
I do have a job though so i only study 4-5 days a week. My job is a crappy minimum wage job tho but I usually get scheduled for late afternoon or night shifts so I can still study during the day.
Hey guys!!! I haven't signed up yet but plan to re-take July 30. I took it May 1 and didn't do so well. Now I'm trying to get back to studying hardcore. Dear 30+, why must you avoid me???
Are AAMC 9 and 10 more difficult than the earlier ones?

I just started studying this week. Took AAMC Monday before doing any prep to get a baseline and scored a 23. Phy 6 - Verb 10 - Bio 7

Of to more studying today! Good luck everyone.

Apparently 9 and 10 are supposed to be the most recent, but I don't know how recent.
I took my Mcat last yr, and when I took my AAMCs, I got my highest score on 9 and my lowest on 10. Haven't taken any AAMCs this yr.
Is anyone taking this Mcat actually applying this year? I am beginning to regret waiting this long to take my Mcat.

Anyone feel the same?
Is anyone taking this Mcat actually applying this year? I am beginning to regret waiting this long to take my Mcat.

Anyone feel the same?

I'm applying this year but I'm not regretting. I will ace this beast to make up for the late application.
I'm applying this year but I'm not regretting. I will ace this beast to make up for the late application.

What are you hoping to get?
Im just tryna get a 30. I have a 3.79 cum, and a 3.88 sci with decent extracurriculars and recs.
I'm also applying this year. It would've been nice to submit the app. earlier but I don't think we'll be too late.
I'm applying next year and figured I might as well study/take the MCAT in the summer when I have time. This could come back to get me if I dont get in twice and my MCAT expires. at that point I would probably give up on med school for the time being anyways and pursue something else.
I'm applying this year but I'm Canadian so I'll be applying to mostly Canadian med schools =) Anyone else in the same boat?
Hey guys, I think it'd be a neat idea to take the same AAMC exam together on same date so that we can emulate real MCAT experience!

I will be done with content review by this month so I am going to take AAMC 5 as a mid-point evaluation. Anyone interested? pm me or reply here!
Hello my fellow 7-30ers. I'm sceduled for this day too. Where's everyone at in terms of studying? I haven't started organic yet and have about 5 chapters to review for both Gen Chem and Physics. Starting to feel the pressure... ahhh lol.
Ahhh I'm feeling the pressure too! Especially with everything else going on in life outside of studying for this =( I'm basically done content review and hope to do aamc 3 this weekend. Probably going to use the last month to practice aamc exams and polish up any vague areas =)
i have orgo left, I've done at least one reading of everything else. I hate orgo, I don't get it and it frustrates me

But I wanna get at least 2 more readings of everything but mainly focus on passages and problems. The questions take me a while to answer

Also- Verbal. At least 5 passages a day :(
I should be done chem by next week then its just bio left. Im not that worried about the bio though because I just finished a year of genetics and a year of anatomy and physiology. Then its just practice practice practice from there....

I'm feeling the pressure too. Then I just try to remind myself I have over a month to figure this stuff out..
Joining you guys! I wasn't ready for the June date. I did well on content but now need more time to master.
Things I hate:
1) Balancing redox reactions
2) the guy next to me in the library with his phone on so loud I can hear what the guy is saying on the other end. I mean Im sure everyone else in the library really wants to know that Alice loves him and that he needs another roomate for next year. goodnes.

Hope the studying is going well!
I've been working on my primary. Just finished listing all of my courses. I'm retaking the MCAT. I didn't do so well the first time so I'm thinking I need to wait to get the results back from the 7/30 MCAT before submitting. I know that will be late for submitting the app, but I'm just afraid I'll get screened out because of my previous low score. Any thoughts?