The Official 8/19/2011 MCAT Club!

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Aug 15, 2010
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Test time: 8 am

Predicted score:25-33

AAMC average:32

Actual score:9/11/12 = 32S!!!!!

Previous Score / Thoughts:8/11/10
I JUST WANTED A 9 IN P so I could be a better candidate but I am SO overjoyed to have gone up in B as well!!! I thought I had done better on this V too, which is funny, because I literally almost voided because I thought that was the only section I felt better about...yet no change...but I'm SO okay with that 11...and the S! :)
Sorry I really thought i had failed on the re-take hope this isnt excessive celebration..
Test time: 8 AM 8/19/2011

Predicted score: 27-29

AAMC average: 27-29

Actual score: 30 (10/9/11)

Pumped! Best score on AAMC tests was a 29. Don't even know what to do right now!?!?
Test time: 8/19 a.m.

Predicted score: 35

AAMC average: 36
Kaplan average: 37

Actual score: 12PS / 12VR / 10BS / R WS

Thoughts: I'll take a 34R! I got the score requirement for my program so yeah :rolleyes:
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Test time: 8/18/11

Predicted score: 30-33

Actual score: 14 (3/6/5)

It's not the best but I'm still applying. It's my dream...I would be disappointed with myself if I didn't at least apply. I feel like I have a little bit of hope since my scores are gradually improving and med schools will be able to see that.
Test time: 8/18/11

Predicted score: 30-33

Actual score: 14 (3/6/5)

It's not the best but I'm still applying. It's my dream...I would be disappointed with myself if I didn't at least apply. I feel like I have a little bit of hope since my scores are gradually improving and med schools will be able to see that.

Wait.... what?!?
Test time: 8/18/11

Predicted score: 30-33

Actual score: 14 (3/6/5)

It's not the best but I'm still applying. It's my dream...I would be disappointed with myself if I didn't at least apply. I feel like I have a little bit of hope since my scores are gradually improving and med schools will be able to see that.

What was your prediction based on?
F*** my f****** life right now. Just BOMBED THE BS SECTION. WITHOUT A DOUBT I BOMBED IT AND I AM LIVID (if you can't tell).



PREDICTED SCORES: PR (this was actually doable. like aamc 10. my version had minimal calculations, more concept based q's) AGAIN THOUGH THE CONCEPT BASED Q's were NEVER ADDRESSED IN EXAM SMACKERS BOOKS. VR (i don't even care. probably got an 8) BS: PREDICTED SCORE = 5-6. I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING.

more explanation to follow when i'm calm.

What did you get??
Just returned. I went in with total confidence, and now I'm a little shaken, but not stirred. Still gonna go celebrate tonight with friends and family. That being said, here are my impressions:

WS: Straightforward, I thought. The first topic was a nice gimme, which felt great after verbal. The second topic was a little more ambiguous, and I busted out a Kim Jong-Il example for kicks. I tried flexing my vocabulary, but who ever really knows how they grade these things?

PS: A little disconcerting, the stand-alones were not as much of a confidence-booster as they were in AAMC 10 or 11, so it slowed me down a bit. I'll probably post my lowest score here.

V: Man, those passages were LONG. Interesting topics, only one of which was relative, which was a pain to read through. I took a summer Ecology course, so I smiled when I saw that one passage (you'll know what I'm talking about.) I better have gotten every one of those suckers right! Overall, I never know with verbal, so we'll see.

Bio: THAT IS A GINORMOUS TABLE. I had to skip it and come back to it in the end. It made all my cells wanna curl up and die, if you know what I mean.

Overall, I had a lot more situations where I had to make an educated guess with 3 answer choices than with just 2 (in the practice tests). Also, this test was longer than the practice tests, so I had less time to fully reach into my memory banks and derive the answers by working through them. Statistically, I believe this will land me lower than my average of 29.5 (29 on 10 and 30 on 11). The worst part for me is getting something middle-range like a 27, when I know I can do better. If I got a 25 outright, there's no question I could turn on the montage and Rocky that shiz up to a 30 in 2 months. But a middle-of-the-road score of 26-29, that's scary to me. I have a GPA deficit that needs some MCAT love.

Now it's a waiting game. T minus 30 days, and I'll report back with results. I'm gonna relax, focus on Fall semester. I know I did the best I could, and I'm good with that. I'm good with it, and I'll tell myself that for the next month. If I bomb it, then I'll look to take it later down the road and feel good knowing I helped everyone's curve out :)

Edit: day before the exam prediction: 9 9 10 - 28

Test time: 8/19 8am

Predicted score: P9 V9 B10 - 28 O

AAMC average: 29-30

Actual score: P8 V8 B9 - 25 R

Low blow today. Really low. 5 points lower than my average, and it makes no sense. I'm an adept test taker, wasn't fazed by this one at all, not even that nervous. My whole application cycle basically went down the drain. I don't know what I'll do.

I have full-time school with Biochem, Physics II, Comparative Anatomy, and Med Term plus working in the ER 25 hours a week, I don't have the time to do this again for January. I have an underdog GPA as a non-traditional already, I was hoping to bolster this up and get lucky with a 31 or 32. I got straight up burned. I feel like I just wasted a year of my life. Maybe February, but by then it'll be too late.

I didn't get lucky with verbal at all, which I was hoping for. I got an 11 in verbal on AAMC 11, and here I am twiddling my thumbs with an 8. I literally did not study BS since I just finished a year of A&P and Microbiology recently, but clearly that needs to be the first thing to change. I'll be ordering BR's biology soon. Hey, at least I was 94th percentile on my writing! (meh)

The question becomes, with a recent string of 4.0 informal post-bacc GPA (20 credits), another 14 credits in the pipeline which I'll ace this semester, I'll be sitting at around a 3.4 sGPA by Christmas. I'll then update the schools, and be at 3.4/25 for all DO schools. What then? I'll be straight up rejected by most schools or get lucky and be placed super low on a waitlist. Regional preference, hopefully?

Unsure of what to do. Low blow today. :thumbdown:
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Predicted score: 33

AAMC average: 34

Actual score: P13 V9 B10 = 32

Thoughts: Slightly disappointed with the verbal section because I never got below a 10 on my practice tests. Overall, I'm just happy I didn't bomb it!
Test time: 8am

Predicted score:
No idea

AAMC average:
Took one diagnostic, 10/10/10

Actual score:
10 PS 11 VR 9 BS 30o.

Previous Score / Thoughts:
First time taking it. I should have studied more, but due to working full time and procrastination, only ended up studying about 3 weeks. I feel happy with the score and thought it could have gone a LOT worse. I kind of feel insecure about it now though with a lot of people upset about 30's. I am shooting for my state school and have a pretty good gpa, but maybe I need to look into retaking?
AAMC Average: 35

Actual Score 38S (11 VR, 14 PS, 13 BS)

I cannot believe I got this score. I felt so terrible after the test! Good luck to everyone else! I like all the 30s I have seen so far.
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Wow guys, a lot of good scores here. I'm noticing the scores are going up from each test date as the dates move toward the end of the summer. Is that a good sign for my sept 2 test? Hopefully :xf::xf::xf:
Time: 8/19 @ 8:00a.m.
Predicted Score: ~34
AAMC Average: 33.25
Actual Score: 36M (14PS/11VR/11BS)
Comments: I'm just really relieved that I didn't bomb a section (always sucks when you got that false sense of security). I spent a great deal of time (>400hrs. for sure) studying for this over the summer, so I'm glad the effort paid off. :) I'll try to post on the 30+ study habits thread for those that want study tips. Other than that, hats off to everyone (yes, even if you didn't get the score you want) who went through with the ordeal. If you're retaking, remember you now have all the experience and knowledge necessary to fix whatever went wrong this time, so that the next time you can do great. Unless you got screwed over by a BAT (big ass table). Then there's nothing you can really do.. :p
AAMC Average 35

Actual MCAT
11 VR
14 PS
11 BS


Very excited about my score! I have no idea how I got a L on the writing though. I thought my examples for the thesis and antithesis were at least okay with a solid last paragraph for both essays.... Anyone have any idea how it'll affect me :(
8/19 8am

AAMC average: about 31 (but my bio was way backloaded, I got a 34 on aamc 9 a few days before the test)

Prediction: 27-30

Actual: 35R (ps-13 vr-11 bs-11). I was truly shocked when I was more score
I'm sorry to say I'm not the happy story where I felt terrible and did well, or even decent. I scored considerably less than my average. Too embarrassed to post it. I will be retaking next year. I will say that I wasn't that accurate on my BS prediction. Surprisingly, my VR score pulled my composite down and if I had scored my average here, I would be sitting pretty with a decent score. Got a R in writing though. But apparently I can't read. It's almost laughable how poor my VR is, except it's not. I felt like I prepared quite well for VR, scored between 10-11 on all aamc practice tests, did about the same with EK 101. My VR score was worse than even my first diagnostic VR score. My BS/PS wasn't 'great' by SDN standards, but what I needed for my target schools... doesn't matter though since my VR is lower than the national average. Not sure what happened. :( Very sad. Sucks to have spent 400+ hours of my summer studying, exhausting all AAMC practice tests, and receiving my average scores in all other sections but VR... and just being completely blindsided by doing so poorly in VR when I was doing just fine on all the VR practice sections I took. :(

I totally know what you mean about verbal. My verbal score was so horrible that I was very, very surprised and super disappointed. I also averaged 10-11 on AAMC FL's but in the real thing I got only one point higher than my first diag verbal score so it's like I hadn't studied a day of verbal... Retaking next year as well. Hopefully we'll do a lot better next time. :luck:
It's really shocking when people's VR score don't match up as expected with practice exams. WTF is the problem? Somehow I feel I shouldn't be shocked when I see a VR of 6.
What bothers me though is if they have decided to so drastically alter the format of the test, why haven't they given us a heads up? Sure AAMC 11 might've been sort of reflective of the shift, but overall, I think the AAMC exams were in no way representative of these tests. Scared premeds just forked over $35 per test to take them and prepare for one of the most important exams in their current lives. Same thing with these preparatory companies which charge upwards of $2k. They seem so behind in the times. They focus on things that are arguably not important on the MCAT, like tough computations, random details, formula recall, reaction mechanisms, etc. On top of that, the passages were always so short and manageable; the question stems too. If I knew that the MCAT was going to be highly analytic and problem-solving-y then I would've spent more time just reading and analyzing journal articles than taking these useless practice tests.
you couldn't have said it better...i remember leaving my test and thinking..."why d hell did i pay kaplan"????
Just got my score.


15 PS, 11 VR, 12 BS

Average: 38 (14/11/13)

Pretty excited about the overall score but somewhat concerned about the uneven distribution and the very low writing score (that's the one I'm most surprised about, because my kaplan instructor always said my essays were great). Oh well.. i'm not really going to complain.. I'm thrilled about my score :D
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Just got my score.


15 PS, 11 VR, 12 BS

Average: 38 (14/11/13)

Pretty excited about the overall score but somewhat concerned about the uneven distribution and the very low writing score (that's the one I'm most surprised about, because my kaplan instructor always said my essays were great). Oh well.. i'm not really going to complain.. I'm thrilled about my score.

Distribution is fine. Writing score doesn't really matter unless you're applying in Canada. Don't sweat it.

Great job!
seriously got sick to my stomach. Dropped from 34-36's on my FL's to just below 30. Sigh... here's to hoping for instate schools
I don't understand. Was the curve just awful on this test? I felt like the test was much easier than I expected, and then I got a score lower than my avg (31R: 11PS, 10V, 10BS). I will say I am happy about the writing score because I didn't even get to write a criterion paragraph for the second essay--ran out of time. And to all of you who got my score or below, I want to emphasize I'm not complaining too much because I know I should be thankful to get in the 30s. It's just that, in the same sense that people with 35s complain...I feel like I knew so much more than this reflects. I rarely encountered questions I didn't know the answer to, which makes me think there must have been a rough curve, and that I made many dumb mistakes (which was always the source of all but maybe one or two of my missed questions on practice tests). Is it worth retaking? I've heard you need to improve by a ton of pts for retaking to be worth anything.
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I totally know what you mean about verbal. My verbal score was so horrible that I was very, very surprised and super disappointed. I also averaged 10-11 on AAMC FL's but in the real thing I got only one point higher than my first diag verbal score so it's like I hadn't studied a day of verbal... Retaking next year as well. Hopefully we'll do a lot better next time. :luck:

for real...I got a 7 on VR...I don't even know what happened since I when I got done with that reading section I was like "wow, that wasn't hard at ALL! :D :D :D" Retaking in Jan b/c of that effing section haha

I can't believe how many mid to high 30s there were....I feel kinda dumb now with my unbalanced 29. oh well, best of luck to everyone applying!
for real...I got a 7 on VR...I don't even know what happened since I when I got done with that reading section I was like "wow, that wasn't hard at ALL! :D :D :D" Retaking in Jan b/c of that effing section haha

I can't believe how many mid to high 30s there were....I feel kinda dumb now with my unbalanced 29. oh well, best of luck to everyone applying!

Just curious why Jan is such a popular month to retake? Since it's the soonest test date available? I think I'm retaking in March/April... unless there's a secret I don't know...?
averaging a 33, had a couple 35s at the end.
Actual:30 11/9/10

Same damn thing happened to me too. I ended with a 30S :(
Fuhking depressing.

I'm sorry to say I'm not the happy story where I felt terrible and did well, or even decent. I scored considerably less than my average. Too embarrassed to post it. I will be retaking next year. I will say that I wasn't that accurate on my BS prediction. Surprisingly, my VR score pulled my composite down and if I had scored my average here, I would be sitting pretty with a decent score. Got a R in writing though. But apparently I can't read. It's almost laughable how poor my VR is, except it's not. I felt like I prepared quite well for VR, scored between 10-11 on all aamc practice tests, did about the same with EK 101. My VR score was worse than even my first diagnostic VR score. My BS/PS wasn't 'great' by SDN standards, but what I needed for my target schools... doesn't matter though since my VR is lower than the national average. Not sure what happened. :( Very sad. Sucks to have spent 400+ hours of my summer studying, exhausting all AAMC practice tests, and receiving my average scores in all other sections but VR... and just being completely blindsided by doing so poorly in VR when I was doing just fine on all the VR practice sections I took. :(

My VR is lower than the average too. What the hell will I do with an 8 in verbal? I thought the section was easy after finishing it. Ah, so damn depressing. :(
8/19 8am

AAMC average: about 31 (but my bio was way backloaded, I got a 34 on aamc 9 a few days before the test)

Prediction: 27-30

Actual: 35R (ps-13 vr-11 bs-11). I was truly shocked when I was more score

I hate you, purely out of jealousy!! :laugh:
Predicted score:30
AMCAS Average:30
Actual:32Q 12PS 10VS 10 BS

Thoughts: So excited I couldn't believe it at first I had to recheck it like five times :)
AAMC10: 11VR, 14PS, 14BS (39)
AAMC11: 11VR, 11PS, 14BS (36)

AAMC average: 37

Real Deal: 36R (10 VR, 12 PS, 14BS)
2009: 08PS, 09V, 06BS (23M)
2010: 07PS, 07V, 09BS (23Q)
8/19/2011: 09PS, 09V, 11BS (29N) :p

Boston post-bacc does wonders on your understanding of biology!!
Predicted score: 30-32
AMCAS Average: 35
Actual:33Q 14PS 9VS 10 BS

Was pretty disappointed with this at first when I thought I could've done better. I don't know if I should retake with this uneven distribution??????!!!!!
Originally Posted by cinamin
F*** my f****** life right now. Just BOMBED THE BS SECTION. WITHOUT A DOUBT I BOMBED IT AND I AM LIVID (if you can't tell).



PREDICTED SCORES: PR (this was actually doable. like aamc 10. my version had minimal calculations, more concept based q's) AGAIN THOUGH THE CONCEPT BASED Q's were NEVER ADDRESSED IN EXAM SMACKERS BOOKS. VR (i don't even care. probably got an 8) BS: PREDICTED SCORE = 5-6. I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING.

more explanation to follow when i'm calm.

I'm sorry to say I'm not the happy story where I felt terrible and did well, or even decent. I scored considerably less than my average. Too embarrassed to post it. I will be retaking next year. I will say that I wasn't that accurate on my BS prediction. Surprisingly, my VR score pulled my composite down and if I had scored my average here, I would be sitting pretty with a decent score. Got a R in writing though. But apparently I can't read. It's almost laughable how poor my VR is, except it's not. I felt like I prepared quite well for VR, scored between 10-11 on all aamc practice tests, did about the same with EK 101. My VR score was worse than even my first diagnostic VR score. My BS/PS wasn't 'great' by SDN standards, but what I needed for my target schools... doesn't matter though since my VR is lower than the national average. Not sure what happened. :( Very sad. Sucks to have spent 400+ hours of my summer studying, exhausting all AAMC practice tests, and receiving my average scores in all other sections but VR... and just being completely blindsided by doing so poorly in VR when I was doing just fine on all the VR practice sections I took. :(
SO, you actually did pretty well on BS?