*The Official January 2016 MCAT*

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Medaholic Dr

Houston, we've a problem !
10+ Year Member
May 31, 2013
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Hello guys,
I don't see any thread made for January 2016 MCAT test date, so I thought to create one. I'll be graduating by the end of this year and will be giving my MCAT on January 2016. I had my test date set for September of this year, but something came up and I won't be able to dedicate myself to studying for the MCAT fully. So, let us make this thread rich with all the discussions about the MCAT. Let us support each other and make taking MCAT a pleasurable experience, so I think. Let's go.......

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Did anyone else tank the first section on biochemistry and thought they did great on psych and the last three sections but then see they were given a normal to low score that was similar on the last three ? YTT953 says this is what happened and my test seriously looks like someone just said oh they tanked the first section just don't bother grading the rest and or give them a mediocre similar average on the last three? No I don't need to hear obvious responses of oh you are just an idiot. Seeing as how subjective these new tests appear by virtue of them being new I can't help but wonder. I know I was on fire on that last section especially and there is no way it was that low of a score. I don't trust an organization that says this is a standardized test when some claim they got nothing but o Chem and some say they got nothing but physics on other dates or one that says this test is made to encourage criticial thinking when 70 pct of my test was "choose the best answer ".

Going to be blunt with you, you weren't ready to take the exam or do well in it. I'm also highly disappointed in my score, but I'm cognizant that the test hit glaring weak points in my applied knowledge basis and addressing that will help me transition into medical school. What you need to understand is that your percentile indicates how you scored in comparison to your fellow students. If you are doing bad in one section then chances are that people on this site overshadowed you on the other areas as well. The test isn't a measure of how many questions you got correct, it's a comparative score of how you did compared to other students. The magical boogeyman doesn't exist and it also won't exist in medical school where even students who aced the MCAT might fail a class and be forced to repeat a year of education. I'm probably one of the few people who honestly believe the test should be used as a diagnostic tool for gauging how prepared you are for medical school and not as a barrier to admission for any scores being evaluated in broad strokes e.g. 20-30 v. 30-40.
I have never deleted Princeton Review emails with more purpose. Finally done with this bad boy called the MCAT!
Congrats to those satisfied with their score and stay strong to those retaking!
Thanks to everyone for keeping this forum lit at all time.
Hope to see y'all at med school interviews and beyond.
Remember, we're all gonna save lives one way or another!
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For those of you who used Kaplan resources when you were studying, was your actual test score in the range of scores as you were getting on your Kaplan MCAT full length scores?
Not even close for me. The highest I ever got on a Kaplan exam was a 507. I got my January score back with a 516, so the difference is enormous. IMO, the best indicator was the AAMC FL on which I scored a 510.
Hi all!

So I just got my score back, and I was seeking some advice on whether or not I should retake!

My score is as follows:
C/P: 132 (100th Percentile)
CARS: 124 (44th Percentile)
B/B: 132 (100th Percentile)
P/S: 128 (86th Percentile)
Total: 516 (95th Percentile)

I know most people would find it absurd to retake after a 516, but I am worried that my low CARS score might be a red flag. Any advice? Thanks, and congrats to all!
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All I can say is so much for their claim of wanting a more varied student base consisting of more than biochemistry majors. At least that's what their CEO or whatever claimed this new test was for. Apparently it's just a test comparison to others as dog eat dog. No wonder no one I know ever gets cured from anything by a doctor nowadays. Oh well. I would argue that they don't want critical thinking skills as much as the guy that takes the most practice tests. Good job to all that worked hard and got rewarded. God forbid they actually throw something for a math major on here.
Haha look at all you people who were complaining about the exam get a great score back 😛

Congrats! This is really motivation for someone who's planning on taking it in April
I got a 510. And I had a 509 on the practice. 128/126/126/130 on the real MCAT, 126/127/128/128 on the practice test. I am very surprised by the fact that my bio is so low, as I was more confident on it, and my chem/phys was always my worst score and I did fairly well. I am aiming for MD schools and I REALLY do not want to retake. What do you guys think? Retake or no?
I got a 510. And I had a 509 on the practice. 128/126/126/130 on the real MCAT, 126/127/128/128 on the practice test. I am very surprised by the fact that my bio is so low, as I was more confident on it, and my chem/phys was always my worst score and I did fairly well. I am aiming for MD schools and I REALLY do not want to retake. What do you guys think? Retake or no?
no thats a legitimate score..unless you have a bad GPA
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Hey guys, I got a 528! Feel like fainting.... Still don't believe it....

But if anyone has any questions on how to study or tips, please let me know!
DUUUUUUDE! That's hella amazing! So stoked for you! What were your practice exam scores?
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My practice test scores for TPR were:
DUUUUUUDE! That's hella amazing! So stoked for you! How did you prepare? What were your practice exam scores?
Thank you so much!!!!

So i'll just post what I've already said to other's in PM.

"I started studying in June and I used ExamKrackers book set. I finished the entire set but I don't remember much from it. I would study like 4 hours a day over the summer till August. Then I took my TPR ultimate class and would study around 2-3 hours a day. Like I said, my coursework helped a lot too so maybe it was a bit more studying than that. I would just read the chapter for TPR before the class, do the test questions for the class throughout the week and so on. However, this only gave me 10-15% of my final score. The main thing is the critical reading and the best way to study for that is literally just tackling hard articles. Everyone says economist and stuff like that and I recommend it... but I never did it. Basically, by doing section banks and things like that, I found myself getting better at critical reading, see if you can google tips on how to get good at that!"

"Haha well I did take a TPR course and studied about 2-3 hours a day and like around 5-6 on the weekends. I know this doesn't sound like much but also the 3 classes I was taking (Biochem I, Sensory Neuro, Sociology) were all pertinent to the MCAT. So even while studying for those classes, I was studying for the MCAT.

Let me say off the bat that BIOCHEM IS VITAL. Memorize the textbook if you have to
. Obviously, I didn't do that but you need to have a firm grasp of it without a doubt. Also, CARS i'd try to do around 2 passages a day although I'd forget/not do it here and there. The main thing I can emphasize is that despite what all these prep books say, critical thinking is your best friend. Literally 10-15% of my TPR class notes were relevant. There wasn't a single anatomy question or hormones or anything on my mcat. Start reading research papers, start learning how to critically read. I can't emphasize that enough. I didn't know that many psych terms, I didn't know that much anatomy and physiology, etc. I am very well versed in math so physics and chem were my strong suits and bio was meh. But critical thinking powered me through, I could think my way through it.

All I can say is practice, practice, practice, and good luck "

"So I did almost exclusively content review until 3 weeks before the mcat and that's not a good thing. If I could redo it, I'd definitely do more practice but the key is WHAT you're using to practice. DO THE AAMC MATERIAL. Literally, nothing compares to this material. I haven't seen any prep company hit it on the mark regardless of what they say. The AAMC section banks were harder than the real mcat and are good to do. Also do the question packs and all the AAMC practice tests. I understood how the test worked much better when I did their material.

Learn how the test operates, how they want you to think. I quickly realized that most content was irrelevant. There was no anatomy, no hormones, etc. High yield topics are BIOCHEM AND GENETICS. Don't just memorize definitions, truly understand processes like cellular respiration and things like that. Understand the process of genetics. Similarly, understand on a critical level all of these things. Be able to parse through rough passages. Remember harder practice makes for an easier test!"

Practice Tests:

Full Length TPR Course 1: 511 à Chem-Phys:129/CARS: 127/Bio:128/Psych-Soc:127

Full Length TPR Course 2: 510 à Chem-Phys:128/CARS:126/Bio:128/Psych-Soc:128

Full Length TPR Course 3: 508 à Chem-Phys:127/CARS:128/Bio:126/Psych-Soc:127

Full Length TPR Course 4:515 à Chem-Phys:130/CARS:127/Bio:130/Psych-Soc:128

AAMC Sample Test % breakdown à Chem-Phys:86%/CARS:94%/Bio:88%/Psych/Soc:90%

AAMC Official Test à Chem-Phys:132/CARS:131/Bio:131/Psych-Soc:129

MCAT Bio Section Bank: Bio:67%/Chemistry:100%/Biochemistry:88%

MCAT Chem-Phys Section Bank: Bio:100%/Chemistry:90%/Biochemistry:83%/Physics:77%

MCAT Psych-Soc Section Bank: Biology:83%/Psychology:68%/Sociology:72%

Hope that helps!!
My practice test scores for TPR were:

Practice Tests:

Full Length TPR Course 1: 511 à Chem-Phys:129/CARS: 127/Bio:128/Psych-Soc:127

Full Length TPR Course 2: 510 à Chem-Phys:128/CARS:126/Bio:128/Psych-Soc:128

Full Length TPR Course 3: 508 à Chem-Phys:127/CARS:128/Bio:126/Psych-Soc:127

Full Length TPR Course 4:515 à Chem-Phys:130/CARS:127/Bio:130/Psych-Soc:128

AAMC Sample Test % breakdown à Chem-Phys:86%/CARS:94%/Bio:88%/Psych/Soc:90%

AAMC Official Test à Chem-Phys:132/CARS:131/Bio:131/Psych-Soc:129

MCAT Bio Section Bank: Bio:67%/Chemistry:100%/Biochemistry:88%

MCAT Chem-Phys Section Bank: Bio:100%/Chemistry:90%/Biochemistry:83%/Physics:77%

MCAT Psych-Soc Section Bank: Biology:83%/Psychology:68%/Sociology:72%

Hope that helps!!
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Hey can you take the free NS1 exam and post your score for me? I want to see how I compare, haven't taken the official tests yet. 🙂

Uh, why would he do that? He was kind enough to post his practice test scores from PR/AAMC. If you're curious to see how you "compare" take the practice tests he has after adequate preparation.
Got a 511 with 128/126/130/127.

I know this is not a score nearly as high as some of the ones I've seen on here, but I would like to really give out two messages that I feel should be taken into consideration for those currently in the struggle.

1. I've seen a lot of posts saying the study technique you choose doesn't really matter, since the MCAT is basically a measure of IQ. Although I agree that the MCAT sorta leans on IQ-testing a bit, I also believe that someone with average smartness/IQ/whatever you wanna call it can do well simply by going through the preparation process with true grit and relentless perseverance.
I was scoring around the low 500's (499-503) on all of my TPR exams less than a month before my test day. Over the holiday break, I took an MCAT every day for 2-3 weeks. I'd wake up at 6, go through the morning ritual I'd perform on test day (going to Starbucks and reading the New York Times), take the exam from 8am-4ish, take an hour break, and then go over missed questions and their concepts from 5pm-11pm. At the end of the two or so weeks, I scored around a 512 on my diagnostic. I am by no means a genius (you can probably infer that since my MCAT score isn't extraordinarily special), but for those of you who are studying for it right now, trying to break that 510 barrier, I say keep marching...because consistent action does work on this exam.

2. I came out of the exam thinking I had absolutely demolished cars but been demolished myself in B/B. Today, I found out that quite the opposite happened. I honestly have no absolute idea what I may have done wrong in cars...but I am also equally clueless on how I managed to do the best on all of those experimental genetics passages that had always wrecked me in my practice exams. Basically, moral of the story is that it may be hard to get a gauge on how you do on the MCAT...sometimes you may think you have the right idea, and it turns out being the opposite. So when you're fighting what seems to be a losing battle through the Chem/Phys section and you think it may have gone terribly, don't give up. During your break, shake the dirt off your shoulder, wash your face, and go in motivated for the next section. Who knows? Your C/P section just may be the highest 😉.

Goodluck to all! You got this.
I don't usually post on here, but have used it as a reference in terms of other people's scores, throughout my study period.

My score: 515 with cars: 130, c/p: 129 psych: 129 and b/b: 127

This was my first time writing, and I just wanted to say what I did, as there were no crazy study ideas that made a difference. I decided at the beginning not to do any expensive courses and to work on my focus and self discipline instead. I gave myself four months to prepare. I followed the examkrackers 10 week study guide, going through one chapter a day, and taking the weekends off. If I wasn't caught up by the weekend, I spent that time to stay on track. In general, it would take me anywhere from 3-5 hours a day to thoroughly go through each chapter, take notes and do the short quiz/go over it. I took a bit of time off in those four months, especially when I was feeling burnt out.

I purchased all of the aamc practice material and spent a few weeks working through all of that, following the ten week examkrackers. After Christmas was when I got down to working on my stamina for the length of the exam. I purchased one examkrackers full length, which I found quite difficult. I did the aamc scored test about a week before and scored a 511. I felt really badly about most of my chemistry/physics, but kept at it, and hoped for the best.

I went into the test with the attitude that I wasn't going to let anything phase me if I hit a speed bump, it's best to move on. During the exam, it felt like the best full length I'd taken, but also didn't feel very confident about the Chem/physics and it ended up ok.

The best thing people can do is keep a clear head, do lots of practice problem and don't psych yourselves out!
501 last May to a 507 this time around! Very happy with my score. I scored a 509 on the scored AAMC full-length.

Just to settle everyone's crazy nerves: even with my 501, I was able to interview at several schools (with a strong GPA and experiences).
so I'm literally ecstatic about my score (521, 132/126/132/131), but do you think it'll be an issue that it's so unbalanced? I did get a 128 in CARS in August if that helps, I'm hoping this won't be a huge issue... shrugs
I have a 3.91 GPA. I'm just worried about my bio score of 67 percentile 🙁 Like is a 128/126/126/130 a really unbalanced score?

do you want to hear an unbalanced score? because you can't beat me in this.
I got 130/123/129/131
....and I also have 3.94 GPA from a top 20. I'm just gonna apply with this. I'm very very disappointed in my CARS score, but I saw it coming as I was super sick and didn't get any sleep the night before the exam. So I decided to accept it as I've spoken with many of my friend in medical school and they've ensured me that there are plenty of current medical students who had the exact same problem and yet still made it. But I do realize how annoying this situation is. one section shadowing the 3 other great scores. But we will be ok!!
Best of luck to you.
This is my third MCAT (28 and 27 previously). Wasn't going to post but figured my situation might encourage someone. Studied for 5 weeks because I was in denial up until that time and didn't want to take the test.

512 (128/128/128/128)

I have checked repeatedly because one, my score was higher than expected and two this breakdown was surprising to say the least. Anyway, I am happy to be done. Hopefully this will help me to become more than a waitlister like I was my previous cycle 🙂.
study tips please please please lol
So i'll just post what I've already said to other's in PM.

"I started studying in June and I used ExamKrackers book set. I finished the entire set but I don't remember much from it. I would study like 4 hours a day over the summer till August. Then I took my TPR ultimate class and would study around 2-3 hours a day. Like I said, my coursework helped a lot too so maybe it was a bit more studying than that. I would just read the chapter for TPR before the class, do the test questions for the class throughout the week and so on. However, this only gave me 10-15% of my final score. The main thing is the critical reading and the best way to study for that is literally just tackling hard articles. Everyone says economist and stuff like that and I recommend it... but I never did it. Basically, by doing section banks and things like that, I found myself getting better at critical reading, see if you can google tips on how to get good at that!"

"Haha well I did take a TPR course and studied about 2-3 hours a day and like around 5-6 on the weekends. I know this doesn't sound like much but also the 3 classes I was taking (Biochem I, Sensory Neuro, Sociology) were all pertinent to the MCAT. So even while studying for those classes, I was studying for the MCAT.

Let me say off the bat that BIOCHEM IS VITAL. Memorize the textbook if you have to
. Obviously, I didn't do that but you need to have a firm grasp of it without a doubt. Also, CARS i'd try to do around 2 passages a day although I'd forget/not do it here and there. The main thing I can emphasize is that despite what all these prep books say, critical thinking is your best friend. Literally 10-15% of my TPR class notes were relevant. There wasn't a single anatomy question or hormones or anything on my mcat. Start reading research papers, start learning how to critically read. I can't emphasize that enough. I didn't know that many psych terms, I didn't know that much anatomy and physiology, etc. I am very well versed in math so physics and chem were my strong suits and bio was meh. But critical thinking powered me through, I could think my way through it.

All I can say is practice, practice, practice, and good luck "

"So I did almost exclusively content review until 3 weeks before the mcat and that's not a good thing. If I could redo it, I'd definitely do more practice but the key is WHAT you're using to practice. DO THE AAMC MATERIAL. Literally, nothing compares to this material. I haven't seen any prep company hit it on the mark regardless of what they say. The AAMC section banks were harder than the real mcat and are good to do. Also do the question packs and all the AAMC practice tests. I understood how the test worked much better when I did their material.

Learn how the test operates, how they want you to think. I quickly realized that most content was irrelevant. There was no anatomy, no hormones, etc. High yield topics are BIOCHEM AND GENETICS. Don't just memorize definitions, truly understand processes like cellular respiration and things like that. Understand the process of genetics. Similarly, understand on a critical level all of these things. Be able to parse through rough passages. Remember harder practice makes for an easier test!"

Practice Tests:

Full Length TPR Course 1: 511 à Chem-Phys:129/CARS: 127/Bio:128/Psych-Soc:127

Full Length TPR Course 2: 510 à Chem-Phys:128/CARS:126/Bio:128/Psych-Soc:128

Full Length TPR Course 3: 508 à Chem-Phys:127/CARS:128/Bio:126/Psych-Soc:127

Full Length TPR Course 4:515 à Chem-Phys:130/CARS:127/Bio:130/Psych-Soc:128

AAMC Sample Test % breakdown à Chem-Phys:86%/CARS:94%/Bio:88%/Psych/Soc:90%

AAMC Official Test à Chem-Phys:132/CARS:131/Bio:131/Psych-Soc:129

MCAT Bio Section Bank: Bio:67%/Chemistry:100%/Biochemistry:88%

MCAT Chem-Phys Section Bank: Bio:100%/Chemistry:90%/Biochemistry:83%/Physics:77%

MCAT Psych-Soc Section Bank: Biology:83%/Psychology:68%/Sociology:72%

Hope that helps!!
All I can say is so much for their claim of wanting a more varied student base consisting of more than biochemistry majors. At least that's what their CEO or whatever claimed this new test was for. Apparently it's just a test comparison to others as dog eat dog. No wonder no one I know ever gets cured from anything by a doctor nowadays. Oh well. I would argue that they don't want critical thinking skills as much as the guy that takes the most practice tests. Good job to all that worked hard and got rewarded. God forbid they actually throw something for a math major on here.
I never understood why one who intend to study medicine, would major in math or engineering. If one wants to become a physician, he/she should major in a field that teaches the basis of modern medicine like biochemistry, cell/molecular biology or even physiology.
So I got a 511 (126/126/130/129)....I think I was just really anxious at the beginning of the test, and it took me the first two sections to calm down. Do you guys think my score will be competitive at most schools? I feel like they shouldn't frown about my distribution too much, as I'm sure others have the same problem with nerves, anxiety, etc.
Would appreciate some advice. This is my 2nd time taking the MCAT. I got a 28 (10/9/9) on the old exam. For the new exam, I got a 508 (127/124/128/129). I'm still really surprised with how poorly I did in CARS. It's usually my worst section but I was averaging a 126 on practice exams (AAMC and Kaplan). After the exam, I actually thought it was the easiest section so I couldn't believe it when I saw a 124. I've been told that a 124 or lower in any section is a serious red flag. Should I consider retaking it with the risk of lower scores in the other sections? I have a 3.5 gpa (3.4 sGPA) and plan to apply to both MD and DO programs.
Non-traditional applicant, this was my third time taking the exam (first time on the new one). I went into the first two not really knowing what I was up against and the scores showed (26 (55%), 25 (46%)... yea, I know ouch).

Things went much better this time around once I got it through my head that what I'm being tested on is likely to BE IMPORTANT during medical school and actually LEARNED the information...

516: 130/127/130/129 (95 percentile)
Works for me!

Hang in there non-trads and/or retakers!
1/22 score=516 (129-127-130-130). Until yesterday, I had never cried out of joy.

This wasn't my first rodeo. I struggled with the MCAT for a while. My previous scores include: 26 (10,6,10) and 507 (129-124-127-127). Several times I considered giving up and pursuing another career. Glad I didn't take the easier route. Never give up. Hard work and perseverance does pay off!!!
1/22 score=516 (129-127-130-130). Until yesterday, I had never cried out of joy.

This wasn't my first rodeo. I struggled with the MCAT for a while. My previous scores include: 26 (10,6,10) and 507 (129-124-127-127). Several times I considered giving up and pursuing another career. Glad I didn't take the easier route. Never give up. Hard work and perseverance does pay off!!!

Congrats! I'm considering retaking the mcat because I also got a 124 in cars. My other sections were pretty good. What did you do differently to improve?
521 (130-130-130-131)
Took exam back in 2012 (33Q)

Non trad (been out of school for ~2 years almost, working full time); studied on and off for about 6 months loosely following MCATjelly's study plan (used EK full set, old TBR set, and TPR for Psych/Soci); used Anki with a deck I found either here or on reddit/r/mcat; subscribed to Kaplan for those daily email MCAT questions

Scored 521 on the AAMC FL (the actual scored one) one week before the exam (129-132-131-129)
Scored percentages on the AAMC FL (non scaled one) which equated to a 520 (according to an excel doc that I found here)
I had taken a half length Kaplan diagnostic (507=125-130-128-124) ),
a half length NS diagnostic (508= 125-125-130-128), and

(so 3 FLs and 2 half lengths total)

I think one of the biggest contributing factors to my score was making sure that I was keeping myself healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally). Juggling a full time job and studying for MCAT was a brutal test of my determination, time management skills, and endurance. I took rest days liberally (2-3 days a week).

I felt as though the actual exam was much harder than the AAMC Fls, but my actual score matched the scores I got on the AAMC FLs.
Still feels surreal due to the HUGE jump in my score from my 2012 testing which was during school. I feel extremely grateful and humbled. This will be my third time applying to med schools, so I'm super excited to finally have a super competitive MCAT score! cGPA 3.8, sGPA 3.7, been out of school for almost two years, so I really felt the pressure to score well to show that I was still an academically competitive applicant.

If you didn't do well this time, don't be discouraged!

Let me know if you have any questions, or just needs words of encouragement! Will be more than happy to help in any way.

Best of luck to everyone!
First time taking the new mcat. 512. CP: 130, CARS: 125, BB: 127, PS: 130. Should I be worried about the uneven distribution, especially for CARS, when applying to med schools? I am a traditional applicant and have 3.9 ish cGPA and 4.0 sGPA.
517 (96th percentile)!!

C/P: 132
CARS: 127
B/BC: 130
P/S: 128

First time taking it and I am over the moon! GPA is not as high as I would like (3.69) but hopefully the score will raise up the GPA.

Any ideas about what constitutes a "competitive" application for MD/PhD programs?
Did anyone on here use just Kaplan and the khan academy videos?? Im fairly new to SDN and I'm starting to think these kaplan books aren't enough now =/
Did anyone on here use just Kaplan and the khan academy videos?? Im fairly new to SDN and I'm starting to think these kaplan books aren't enough now =/

I just used kaplan for studying, heavy book review + the mcat channel videos worked well enough for me! but no harm in using more resources, obviously - all the help you can get
Did anyone on here use just Kaplan and the khan academy videos?? Im fairly new to SDN and I'm starting to think these kaplan books aren't enough now =/
I think that's fine. The most important thing though is that you're using resources that are the best fit for you, and that you get your hands on a lot of practice material. Content is generally the same between all the companies, just presented differently. Speaking as a big-idea learner who generally stays away from minute details, I found Kaplan too dense for my taste and much preferred EK/KA for primary content review. However my friend is super detail-oriented and preferred Kaplan's style.
I am in the same boat as you.
C/P 130
CARS 125
B/B 132
P/S 130
Total: 517

I'm also a retaker from the old exam in which i had a 11,7,11. (7 in verbal). Oddly, this time around I thought CARS was my best section, following P/S... But I have no idea what happened. Seriously shocked.

I'm in a similar situation as you two. Not quite the same size boat (508:127/124/128/129), but in a similar dilemma. I also thought CARS was my best section and easier than any CARS practice I did before the test. My impression is a 125 in CARS is fine especially if your other sections are strong, but I've been told by numerous people including current med students that a 124 on any section on the new exam is a cause for concern. So any feedback on this issue would be greatly appreciated!
I'm in a similar situation as you two. Not quite the same size boat (508:127/124/128/129), but in a similar dilemma. I also thought CARS was my best section and easier than any CARS practice I did before the test. My impression is a 125 in CARS is fine especially if your other sections are strong, but I've been told by numerous people including current med students that a 124 on any section on the new exam is a cause for concern. So any feedback on this issue would be greatly appreciated!

PM me
thank you guys for the tips!!! I'm currently searching for every practice exam available as I probably won't take it until about May or June. I really want to use my time effectively!!
Any Kaplan kids out there who have something to say about the behavioral sciences section?? Kaplan's sections on this seem to be very difficult, especially the passage based questions. I'm hoping the real deal is slightly more straightforward.
Got a 518 (129/131/128/130)
AAMC official taken a week out was a 509 and the sample test taken two weeks out was 59%/87%/73%/86% so I was very pleasantly surprised. The practice materials I relied on most were of course all the AAMC material and then Altius' 10 FLs. On those my overall percentage ranged from 60%-75% so a little lower than the AAMC numbers but they must have prepared me well. A little more data heavy than the AAMC stuff but overall good practice I think. Also bought all 4 EK FLs but only ended up taking two because of time. Content review pretty much consisted of following along with the list in this thread http://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/improved-aamc-mcat-2015-topics-list.1137834/ and watching the corresponding Khan Academy videos since they correspond with one another nicely.
Congrats to everyone! I see some posters worried about possibly unbalanced CARS but everyone is handling Psych / Soc fine. Any advice on P / S specific prep?

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Got a 518 (129/131/128/130)
AAMC official taken a week out was a 509 and the sample test taken two weeks out was 59%/87%/73%/86% so I was very pleasantly surprised. The practice materials I relied on most were of course all the AAMC material and then Altius' 10 FLs. On those my overall percentage ranged from 60%-75% so a little lower than the AAMC numbers but they must have prepared me well. A little more data heavy than the AAMC stuff but overall good practice I think. Also bought all 4 EK FLs but only ended up taking two because of time. Content review pretty much consisted of following along with the list in this thread http://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/improved-aamc-mcat-2015-topics-list.1137834/ and watching the corresponding Khan Academy videos since they correspond with one another nicely.

thanks for posting this link...I tried to create something like this based of the AAMC guide and gave up out of frustration lol