Thoughts on taking the OAT before Finishing Pre-reqs?


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Nov 3, 2005
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I already have my undergrad in an unrelated field, but am taking my pre-requisites for optometry. I would really like to start school in the Fall, but would have to take the OAT before I completed Organic, the second half of physics, microbiology, and anatomy. I know in reality I should probably wait until 2007, but I feel like I would be wasting an entire year. I would have to find a full-time job, because I will be done with school this summer. I also realize it is important to apply to OD school early, but unfortunately it will be December before I get my app in and January before I take the OAT. Is it possible for me to do well on the OAT without actually completing all of my classes?

Thanks for the advice!

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pre-O.D. said:
I already have my undergrad in an unrelated field, but am taking my pre-requisites for optometry. I would really like to start school in the Fall, but would have to take the OAT before I completed Organic, the second half of physics, microbiology, and anatomy. I know in reality I should probably wait until 2007, but I feel like I would be wasting an entire year. I would have to find a full-time job, because I will be done with school this summer. I also realize it is important to apply to OD school early, but unfortunately it will be December before I get my app in and January before I take the OAT. Is it possible for me to do well on the OAT without actually completing all of my classes?

Thanks for the advice!

I was in your same situation and decided to wait till 2007. I don't have as many pre-reqs remaining as you though. People have taken the OAT in your situation and done allright. You might need more prep than the average test taker though since you've not had all the pre-reqs... It really depends on the details of your situation. If you can get all your stuff in before mid February I think you'll be fine. However it'll will depend on your gpa and your extracurricular too. you should get on and look at the class profiles for each school you are considering. as long as your OAT is at the average of those schools you'll get into one of them. If it is below average it'll really depend on the rest of your application and the quality of your interview because yes you'll be late in the application cycle. One story- I have a buddy that is at SCCO now. His application wasn't complete till February and he got into both the schools he applied to(SCO was the other school) with a below average OAT score. His extracurriclar was stellar though. Evaluate all the details of your situation and then decide.
Don't take the OAT without finishing orgo or physics. Second semester physics is optics! along with magnetic and electric fields. I found this to be heavily tested on the OAT. Also, a lot of questions about Aromatic Substitution Rxns... which I covered in second semester orgo.
Hines302 said:
Don't take the OAT without finishing orgo or physics. Second semester physics is optics! along with magnetic and electric fields. I found this to be heavily tested on the OAT. Also, a lot of questions about Aromatic Substitution Rxns... which I covered in second semester orgo.

I agree with Hines302. You don't need micro and anatomy for the OAT, but you definitely need to know your physics and ochem. Wait until you've taken them.
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I know someone who didn't take orgo II and physics, but still did well on the OAT (350). He used study guides and review books.
it's definitely possible to do well w/o prerequisites, but i will require many more hours of study to actually learn the required material by yourself. anyhow, good luck! :thumbup:
I'm a really bad example when it comes to this stuff. I took the OAT in February of my junior year. I had finished ochem, but not physics. I just tried to look at some formulas in the few days before the test. When I took the OAT, I felt like I just wanted to get one under my belt, and I'd take it again and really kick butt. :p I ended up doing well enough, so I didn't bother taking it again. Looking back though, I think what I did was pretty dumb. Taking it before finishing your prereqs is probably fine, especially if your GPA is solid. That being said, if you do go ahead and take it, it's probably wise to do some extra preparing on your own.

Good luck! :D