Tip for fellow SDNers

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Full Member
7+ Year Member
Jun 15, 2016
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Life is rough when you constantly check your email every 5 minutes. Last week, I decided to only check my email once a day. You still stay up-to-date, and you dont waste your focus with school/job/whatever. It's helped a lot - instead of being continuously disappointed, I'm only disappointed once a day now! I recommend you all give it a try as well.

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Ultimate challenge: wait until Monday to check. I need to go somewhere without internet for a few days.
My weekends and evenings have gotten easier since I reasoned that it's HIGHLY unlikely that I'll get any updates since I imagine the admissions staff only works during the typical work week.
My weekends and evenings have gotten easier since I reasoned that it's HIGHLY unlikely that I'll get any updates since I imagine the admissions staff only works during the typical work week.
I'm probably a terrible person for telling you I got my first II at 12am on Saturday
I'm probably a terrible person for telling you I got my first II at 12am on Saturday

Did you really?! That's awful. All of mine have come during normal business hours.
Are you all talking about constantly checking email on your phone or computer? Mine is set to push new emails every 15 minutes or so...
Are you all talking about constantly checking email on your phone or computer? Mine is set to push new emails every 15 minutes or so...
Right? My phone buzzes every time I get a new email. Considering disabling that function, but I probably won't 😳
also, my poor phone has been hitting low battery by the afternoon because of how many times I wake the screen up. :laugh: