Transcript delay

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7+ Year Member
Jun 17, 2015
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I sent my transcript through postal mail from my registrar about ~13 days ago. Still not received.

Should I send another? Call AAMC? This is ridiculous.

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It took about 2 weeks from when I requested a transcript via mail
Yeah, sometimes it takes a while, and I imagine if you're far from DC, it'll take longer.

  1. Did you include the doc AMCAS requests with the transcript?
  2. From which state did you send it?
I'd wait until you've got a total of 15 business days before you call both your registrars office and AMCAS. Remember, the difference between verification in June vs. July is negligible, really. You're already ahead of the game -- don't let SDN convince you otherwise.

Rule 1: Take a breath. (@gonnif)
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You're sure it was processed and mailed 13 days ago, or you placed the order with the registrar 13 days ago? It should be received soon, maybe give it another day or two. Also you can check with your registrar for what the processing time was.