transcripts on application

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10+ Year Member
Jan 17, 2012
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when we submit our aadsas applications, does adea aadsas need to already have recieved them? or can i submit today and have my trancsripts reach aadsas in like a week?
do i need to wait till they get them in order to submit?

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I recently read that they won't even verify our transcripts until we submit our application because that way they know we are finished adding in our courses. I thought we submitted it after they verified our transcripts so this has me rushing to finalize my personal statement and get it paid for. Maybe somebody can clarify this for us.
I recently read that they won't even verify our transcripts until we submit our application because that way they know we are finished adding in our courses. I thought we submitted it after they verified our transcripts so this has me rushing to finalize my personal statement and get it paid for. Maybe somebody can clarify this for us.

No i mean, does aadsas need to have recieved my transcript in order for me to submit?
They do verify the grades after we have submitted, they calculate gpas after we submit.
But my transcript wont get to aadsas for another week, can i submit my app before they get my transcripts