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7+ Year Member
Apr 25, 2014
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I am currently into my second year of my undergrad at a UC. Currently, things have been up and down. Some classes have been tough and some have not. My experience thus far, has been a growing and learning experience. I am beginning to swallow my pride and drop classes that I know I cannot handle mentally in the moment. Furthermore, I am in a dilemma. I enjoy the medical field. Absolutely love it. My experience ranges from a physical therapy aide to a lab technician/surgeon in the department of otolaryngology. Along with that, I enjoy Biology and Chemistry, however, I have troubles when I am tested on it. It is a learning process of course. I do not want to switch majors to say Econ or something else I may be better at. My preferred route is either PA,PT, or Nursing. Of course, if I did Nursing, it would be better for me to transfer to a state school near me in the near future to pursue a BSN -> RN -> NP.

If any of you could PM me personally on helping me on my current situation. I just need somebody to talk to who can give me their insight and stuff. I've talked to close friends and family, and I have their support all the way, I am just having trouble being confident in what I want to pursue and when etc.

Feel free to ask any questions, I am typing this without rereading it to let it all out. Thank you! 🙂

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Your experience ranges from aid to tech to ENT surgeon??? I must be reading this wrong

What makes you prefer PA PT or Nursing?
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Your experience ranges from aid to tech to ENT surgeon??? I must be reading this wrong

What makes you prefer PA PT or Nursing?
Guessing surgical tech assisting an ENT
Yes, surgical technician assisting in ENT experiments/projects. Sorry about that. I prefer PA, PT, and Nursing due to the clinical aspect. I enjoy being on my feet and experiencing new things day in and day out. They are all similar in that sense which is what I enjoy.

On the other hand, the lab is fun and interesting as well. Lots of work with mice and the middle and inner ear. I enjoy performing the surgeries and dissecting the ear apart for experiments.

In regards to MD, I do not wish to pursue that route because of the length. I want to get my life started and have time to achieve personal goals.
Which forum do you suggest I post in? Other than that, I posted here to get different insight. 🙂 Thank you guys.
Which forum do you suggest I post in? Other than that, I posted here to get different insight. 🙂 Thank you guys.
Right, but you aren't interested in the career that this forum focuses on. I do not know which would be the best resource for you, because I have not looked up PA/PT/NP resources.

Pretty much all you're going to do here is stir the pot on the old "NPs are a symbol of what is wrong with our healthcare system/education" discussion.
Yes, surgical technician assisting in ENT experiments/projects. Sorry about that. I prefer PA, PT, and Nursing due to the clinical aspect. I enjoy being on my feet and experiencing new things day in and day out. They are all similar in that sense which is what I enjoy.

On the other hand, the lab is fun and interesting as well. Lots of work with mice and the middle and inner ear. I enjoy performing the surgeries and dissecting the ear apart for experiments.

In regards to MD, I do not wish to pursue that route because of the length. I want to get my life started and have time to achieve personal goals.
If you enjoy lab, go for it. There are so many miserable foreign MDs coming here and hating their lab jobs in return for a "better life," whatever that constitutes.
I'd rather see people like you working academics.
What do you mean working academics? Sorry 😛
why are NPs a symbol of what's wrong
I love debating with you, efle, but I can't muster the energy on this one (have never gotten involved in it, actually). Just search 'NP' and pretty much every thread where they are mentioned devolves into debate.
I love debating with you, efle, but I can't muster the energy on this one (have never gotten involved in it, actually). Just search 'NP' and pretty much every thread where they are mentioned devolves into debate.