Trivial Khan Academy question

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So the passage reads:

An early study (Study 1) focusing on marijuana users found that socialization is an important aspect in the maintained “pleasurable” usage of the drug (regular users). The researcher conducted participant observation and interviews with 5050 marijuana users. Respondents who eventually used marijuana regularly were observed to undergo three stages:
1) they learn to smoke it in a way that produces real effects;
2) they learn to recognize the effects and connect them with drug use; and
3) they learn to enjoy the sensation they perceive. Individuals who do not go through the sequence of changes do not end up using marijuana regularly.

And the question reads:

If we study heroin usage and addiction using a similar social process model similar to Study 11, which of the following statements is most likely to be a reasonable finding?

A) Heroin usage is learned but self-interpretation of usage is the key indicator of prolonged abuse.
B) Cognitive expectancies due to the rewarding drug effects of heroin significantly influence an individual’s drug usage behavior.
C) Individuals who express deviant behavior in general are more likely to become heroin addicts.
D) The interpretations of bodily effects and self-perceptions of heroin usage may be socially organized.

Where D is the correct answer with the explanation being:

A social process model emphasizes social interaction and influence in shaping behavior or actions.
From social interactions with others, individuals develop novel interpretations or conceptual reorganizations of drug usage, different from their original self-understandings of a drug.
Employing a social process model in examining heroin addiction, we would likely find that self-perceptions and interpretations are organized according to a user’s social interactions.

My actual question about this: Based on the passage, A, B and D feel as though they could be correct. Is the only reason that D is the proper answer is simply that it is through the lens of a social process model?

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