U Arizona - Phoenix (Banner)

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7+ Year Member
Oct 3, 2015
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Hi all,

I interviewed at this program , but I don't remember a lot of the details. Does anyone have any more info on the didactic schedule (is it really only 1-hr daily), the call schedule? General impressions? Does it matter that it's an academic program? The quality of teaching on the psych service? Patient caps on and off service?

My thoughts from what I remember: I was generally impressed by the PD and by the general vibe from the residents and faculty. They were very welcoming and warm. Free healthcare is also hard to turn down. In terms of fellowships, they were discussing possibly developing ones in Geri (makes sense given the Alzheimers Institute and existing faculty here) and C&A in the next few years. The few residents I interacted with seemed happy and supported. One resident also spoke about how accommodating the program was in terms of having a baby. The resident who led the tour stated she felt like she saw a diverse mix of pathology, as well. The offices are quite nice!


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It's a good program. The county program (Maricopa, a Univ. of Arizona affilaiated program) across town is also very good (but sees sicker patients in general) and has a child fellowship that often matches Banner residents for fellowship. Hard to go wrong in AZ.
The PD there is very good and the Alzheimer's center they have is WORLD renowned. They have Dr. Tariot, who is basically one of the leading experts in the field. Their facilities are very nice and spread out over the valley. It is a good program and was one I ranked very highly. You wont go wrong with that program.
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I enjoyed my interview there as well. Seemed like a very laid back 3rd and 4th year. In the end it just ranked a bit lower because I wanted a more traditional university setting. That and my wife didn't bother to tell me how much she didn't want to live in Phoenix until after I told her I was impressed with the place.
The inpt unit is voluntary only. So you aren't going to get really acute pathology, which may be a pro or con for you.
First year call was like 2 weekend days and 2 short calls a month.
2ndyr qweek 24hr call
3rdyr 3x/mo 24hr cAll
24 hr calls have protected sleep Time 12am-6am.
I think they cap around 6 inservice. I remember it was lower than others
Moonlighting was weak. No Inhouse. I think some of the 4th yrs may have got some external going.
I did a sub-I here. The residents are wonderful, likeable people and so is the PD.
They usually cap around 6 patients on the inpatient unit and I never saw more than 8, which was when one of the interns was off.
On my interview day moonlighting was discussed at length, but yes, none in-house.
I also rotated through medicine at Banner and the psych interns have the same # of patients as the medicine interns, I'm pretty sure. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on that.
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