UCLA DGSOM vs. University of Washington SOM Seattle cohort

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2+ Year Member
Mar 2, 2021
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Hello fellow sdn-ers,

I got off the waitlist for both UCLA DGSOM and the University of Washington SOM Seattle cohort last week. I have only until May 9 to decide. I have been contemplating my decision, but I really hope that I can hear some of your input!

To me:
- Both schools are excellent academically with high match rates to competitive specialties, ample supplemental opportunities (eg. services), and good research resources/reputations. Please let me know if you think differently, would love to hear your input on this!!

Therefore, I focus more on other aspects of my medical training below. I would say that I am leaning toward UCLA at this time, but any input would be so appreciated!!
1. UCLA is my alma mater and where I worked for 3-4 gap years. Therefore, I have a good support system (including my SO and friends) and a strong network with various physicians in the 2 competitive specialties that I am interested in.
2. LA is great, with good weather, diversity, and convenience.
3. In-state tuition. Unsure of scholarship status yet.

UWSOM Seattle
1. I came to the US alone for higher education. I have family friends in Seattle, so it will be comforting to be around them when school is stressful.
2. It will also be great to be in a new different environment for 4 years before settling down in California in the future.
3. From the application process to the second look, I feel that UWSOM appeared to have a more supportive culture, I could be biased.
1. I was offered an out-of-state tuition waiver, but tuition is still about 10+k more expensive than UCLA.
2. The RAIN. I think it will take some time to get used to the rain again.

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I think UCLA is the best choice for you! It's cheaper, you already know the school and the city well, you have networking connections already built up, and it's a top notch med school! The only things that might make UW better are if you really want a change of scenery or really want to be near family, but like you said, you already have lots of friends and a SO in LA.