Uconn medical/dental preparatory program

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Ron G

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10+ Year Member
Apr 28, 2011
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Is there anyone here who will be participating in this program this summer?

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Hey how did the program go for you?
it was pretty cool if you're interested you should definitely apply especially if you don't want to spend the money on a mcat/dat prep course.
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it was pretty cool if you're interested you should definitely apply especially if you don't want to spend the money on a mcat/dat prep course.

Do you know how many people were part of Track 1 of the Uconn program?
^ it was about 30 people between the DAT and MCAT program
it was pretty cool if you're interested you should definitely apply especially if you don't want to spend the money on a mcat/dat prep course.

How was the program? do you think the mcat prep was sufficient preparation for the test?
Do you know when they start notifying people whether they got accepted or not?
I applied in december and was told sometime in april for notification, looking at past threads it looks like the end of the april unfortunately.