UCSD interviewees: how long did u wait post-interview?

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hey all,

i interviewed at UCSD a few weeks ago and they said that i should hear anything from 2 weeks to 2 months. it's still early, but i'm hoping that my file was up for review during their committe meeting this morning. For those who have heard, when did you interview and when did you hear back? thanks in advance.


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Hey Calbear...
I interviewed the third week of October and just heard from them about an acceptance on Jan 15th. I've heard that some people get phone calls from Dr. Resnick. As for myself, they sent me an email asking me to call the office as they had "news" on my application. I recieved the formal letter from them last week. Good luck!
I interviewed in late September and was put on hold right after Thanksgiving (well, I got the letter mid-December but found out late November since I called the office).

Good luck!
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Originally posted by pillbug:
•Hey Calbear...
I interviewed the third week of October and just heard from them about an acceptance on Jan 15th. I've heard that some people get phone calls from Dr. Resnick. As for myself, they sent me an email asking me to call the office as they had "news" on my application. I recieved the formal letter from them last week. Good luck!•••

I interviewed on Thursday December 13th and I got the email from Dr. Resnik on the same date as Pillbug. I was told to call the office and found out that I was accepted (woohoo). I got my official letter last Monday.

By the way: Pillbug, I think you interviewed on the same day I did. Weren't you one of those MSTP people? I read that you got accepted to UCSF. Congrats by the way. You must be so happy. UCSF is my dream school but I was rejected post-secondary. I'm kind of depressed actually because I'm from the Bay Area and I would like to stay there. Sigh !!!!!!
when i was at ucsd, i thought they told us we would hear in 3 weeks but it sounds like it took a lot longer...

did they tell anyone else 3 weeks?

or maybe i was hearing things...
I interviewed on Nov 6th and heard back from them on Dec 4th. I believe those are the correct dates. I certainly was ready for a much longer wait.
Interviewed mid January, heard this week

what was the exact date you interviewed? BTW, congrats on your acceptance.

Hey cambrian,

I actually didn't interview same day as you..i'm regular MD and interviewed i think around oct 22 or something like that...

and i WISH i had been accepted at UCSF...i'm still waiting to hear from them...it's pretty nerve-racking! it's my dream school as well...i didn't receieve an acceptance or a waitlist this round (i interviewed almost 2 months ago as well) so i'm hoping hoping it's not a rejection. :(