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Full Member
Dec 15, 2024
Reaction score
  • In-state tuition after a year
  • Not super competitive class culture
  • In a dentally underserved area
  • great food scene in baltimore
  • beautiful sim lab and clinics
  • Great reputation
  • pretty good focus on clinical education
  • summer break!
  • Very available research
  • other cities available relatively nearby
  • public transport
  • already put down a deposit here (OSU waitlisted me)
  • less chilly
  • Baltimore has reports of being unsafe
  • Lack of information about supports to students who are struggling
  • Bigger class size
  • IS Tuition after a year
  • Columbus seems like a fairly fun place to be
  • seemingly well-developed clinical prep; people feel ready to practice out of OSU
  • beautiful clinics
  • lots of built in supports for students who need more help
  • fairly available research
  • very good interview/tour vibes
  • students liked being there
  • pretty good reputation
  • Sim lab is ugly lol, though under construction for a new one? may not be done when I get there
  • Smaller city vibe
  • not as highly ranked
  • chilly
Summary: It's a great problem to have, but I can't really tell which of these two programs would fit me better. I came away from OSU very excited and was meh about Maryland after the interview. After decision day I visited Maryland and was very excited, and now I can't really tell. Any particularly great/awful characteristics of either school would be appreciated!

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  • In-state tuition after a year
  • Not super competitive class culture
  • In a dentally underserved area
  • great food scene in baltimore
  • beautiful sim lab and clinics
  • Great reputation
  • pretty good focus on clinical education
  • summer break!
  • Very available research
  • other cities available relatively nearby
  • public transport
  • already put down a deposit here (OSU waitlisted me)
  • less chilly
  • Baltimore has reports of being unsafe
  • Lack of information about supports to students who are struggling
  • Bigger class size
  • IS Tuition after a year
  • Columbus seems like a fairly fun place to be
  • seemingly well-developed clinical prep; people feel ready to practice out of OSU
  • beautiful clinics
  • lots of built in supports for students who need more help
  • fairly available research
  • very good interview/tour vibes
  • students liked being there
  • pretty good reputation
  • Sim lab is ugly lol, though under construction for a new one? may not be done when I get there
  • Smaller city vibe
  • not as highly ranked
  • chilly
Summary: It's a great problem to have, but I can't really tell which of these two programs would fit me better. I came away from OSU very excited and was meh about Maryland after the interview. After decision day I visited Maryland and was very excited, and now I can't really tell. Any particularly great/awful characteristics of either school would be appreciated!
what is the total cost of attendance difference?
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Not too much, OSU puts their COA at 412,000 and doing tuition+fees+estimated COL for UMD comes to about 395,700.

which is closer to your friends/family?
which is closer to where you want to practice in the future?
OSU should be finishing their desperately-needed remodel, so I don't know where your opinion about the sim lab is based. This video got reposted/redated from a couple of years ago...

OSU's campus is in the middle of its central campus in Columbus while Maryland is in downtown Baltimore near the Harbor area. I suppose it's your choice if you prefer a feel of being on a land-grant campus versus being in a city.

The main question you need to have (also) is how convenient it will be for you to rack of experience with patients. Do you mind traveling around the state of Maryland vs. the state of Ohio?
  • In-state tuition after a year
  • Not super competitive class culture
  • In a dentally underserved area
  • great food scene in baltimore
  • beautiful sim lab and clinics
  • Great reputation
  • pretty good focus on clinical education
  • summer break!
  • Very available research
  • other cities available relatively nearby
  • public transport
  • already put down a deposit here (OSU waitlisted me)
  • less chilly
  • Baltimore has reports of being unsafe
  • Lack of information about supports to students who are struggling
  • Bigger class size
  • IS Tuition after a year
  • Columbus seems like a fairly fun place to be
  • seemingly well-developed clinical prep; people feel ready to practice out of OSU
  • beautiful clinics
  • lots of built in supports for students who need more help
  • fairly available research
  • very good interview/tour vibes
  • students liked being there
  • pretty good reputation
  • Sim lab is ugly lol, though under construction for a new one? may not be done when I get there
  • Smaller city vibe
  • not as highly ranked
  • chilly
Summary: It's a great problem to have, but I can't really tell which of these two programs would fit me better. I came away from OSU very excited and was meh about Maryland after the interview. After decision day I visited Maryland and was very excited, and now I can't really tell. Any particularly great/awful characteristics of either school would be appreciated!

Are there third-party scholarships or grants considered in the number listed in your calculation for UMD? If you used UMD’s 2024-2025 COA, your calculation is too low by ~ $90k.

Have you familiarized yourself with the State of Maryland’s tuition reclassification policy and/or verified with existing D2 or higher whether they were able to successfully reclassify (and, if so, what exactly they had to do)? That’s a big number with no upfront scholarship and guarantee to reclassify.

UMD is a great school but make certain your numbers are reasonable estimates so as not to be surprised after the fact.
which is closer to your friends/family?
which is closer to where you want to practice in the future?
Both are halfway up the country from family and I guess maryland would be closer to where I want to be? Location isn't a huge deal with respect to relationships I've already built; both don't have any
Are there third-party scholarships or grants considered in the number listed in your calculation for UMD? If you used UMD’s 2024-2025 COA, your calculation is too low by ~ $90k.

Have you familiarized yourself with the State of Maryland’s tuition reclassification policy and/or verified with existing D2 or higher whether they were able to successfully reclassify (and, if so, what exactly they had to do)? That’s a big number with no upfront scholarship and guarantee to reclassify.

UMD is a great school but make certain your numbers are reasonable estimates so as not to be surprised after the fact.
Ooh ok this is interesting! Where did you find Maryland's COA? I added up their tuition and fees and spitballed my living expenses because I wasn't able to find a ready-made number. I did speak with a D2 from my home state about reclassifying and they said it was fairly easy, you just have to pay attention to the details there.
Ooh ok this is interesting! Where did you find Maryland's COA? I added up their tuition and fees and spitballed my living expenses because I wasn't able to find a ready-made number. I did speak with a D2 from my home state about reclassifying and they said it was fairly easy, you just have to pay attention to the details there.

Ooh ok this is interesting! Where did you find Maryland's COA? I added up their tuition and fees and spitballed my living expenses because I wasn't able to find a ready-made number.
Dude... you're going to be a dental student and a dentist. And you're about to take on a house's equivalent of debt.

Maybe admissions offices don't send a link or a PDF showing cost of attendance in offer packets. You can use whatever numbers they posted for the last application cycle (current D1 class). But... you should be able to find that information and not have us professionals do it for you. That gets you a bad rep among faculty, and those complaints run back to the adcoms.

For everyone: as part of accreditation and transparency in higher education (federal financial aid), all health professions programs MUST post tuition and cost of attendance on their FINANCIAL AID WEBSITE. If you cannot find it, the financial aid office will point you to where it is or let you know if the incoming class COA numbers have yet to be approved (the Board sets tuition at a university).
Dude... you're going to be a dental student and a dentist. And you're about to take on a house's equivalent of debt.

Maybe admissions offices don't send a link or a PDF showing cost of attendance in offer packets. You can use whatever numbers they posted for the last application cycle (current D1 class). But... you should be able to find that information and not have us professionals do it for you. That gets you a bad rep among faculty, and those complaints run back to the adcoms.

For everyone: as part of accreditation and transparency in higher education (federal financial aid), all health professions programs MUST post tuition and cost of attendance on their FINANCIAL AID WEBSITE. If you cannot find it, the financial aid office will point you to where it is or let you know if the incoming class COA numbers have yet to be approved (the Board sets tuition at a university).
Thanks so much for your perspective!
Thanks so much for your help! It wasn't showing in my searches, and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out when you don't have to.