University of Louisville Class of 2024

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What's up future doctors!!

Age: 21
Gender: F
Current Residence: Columbus, OH
Undergrad: The Ohio State University
Intended Specialty: Anything surgical? Med/Peds-Cardio?

Any of y'all super excited for that white coat ceremony?!!!
What's up future doctors!!

Age: 21
Gender: F
Current Residence: Columbus, OH
Undergrad: The Ohio State University
Intended Specialty: Anything surgical? Med/Peds-Cardio?

Any of y'all super excited for that white coat ceremony?!!!
I'm super excited. Already trying to figure out what I want to wear
Haha it's definitely a very special day so I get that
Undergrad: The Ohio State University
Hi y'all.

Age: 21
Gender: M
Undergrad: Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Intended Specialty: Endo?? Something Internal Med is what I'm leaning towards
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has anyone received any information on merit scholarships and such? has anyone here received one by any chance?
Has anyone found the ULSOM class of 2024 FB page? Idk if they have opened it yet but last year it was created 2/12
On a semi-related note, who here is fairly committed? Or is it still too soon to call?
