University of Lynchburg

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2+ Year Member
Oct 17, 2018
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Hey guys has anyone applied to university of Lynchburg this upcoming cycle? I applied over a month ago and received an email stating that my application will be reviewed at an upcoming meeting and I will be notified of the status after the meeting. I received this email on 10/15 and haven’t heard since. Has anyone else received this email or has applied to lynchburg and has had any feedback? Thank you!!

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I received a very similar email on 10/08 so I'm not really sure what it means either!
I got an acceptance mid October (this was my 2nd time applying). They said it was early compared to their general admission decisions which would be in December if that helps.

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Congratulations on the acceptance! I got accepted Late November and am planning on putting my deposit down this week!! Are you planning on attending? Also, did you get a phone call and a packet in the mail with your acceptance? I got neither 🙁 all I received was an email
Awesome, congrats to you too! I put my deposit down already. It was my first acceptance and so far my only one. I have some others to hear from too but I’m still so happy and thankful to be accepted. Planning to attend unless I hear back from an in state cheaper school!

Nope did not get a packet or call. It was all via email but I was honestly looking forward to the big acceptance packet 🙂

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