Update Letter and shadowing

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May 25, 2024
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Hey all! I want opinions on whether i should send an update letter. Im a Canadian applicant with shadowing experience at a country not in the US or Canada (not a medical mission of any sorts, just the country where my family lives) and I'm worried that this is a big red flag. I managed to get a Canadian physicians approval to shadow him, would this warrant an update? Idk how much "closer" to the US the Canadian system is seen and if shadowing here is equal. I also have other new activities that I can add as well as a paper that is going to be submitted for publication soon. I submitted most of my secondaries in mid september and got an II from a school, so Im hoping its not seen as a red flag.

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We don't have a WAMC profile to know where you planned to send applications, and I'm not sure if you are referring to Canadian or US institutions (I suspect the latter).

I cover the Canadian medical system in Becoming a Student Doctor, and while medicine is similar, practice is different. Others here who have more practical experience can comment. In general, if you want to work in the US, shadow in the US.

What you submit in your application matters. If updates mattered, all admissions offices would be flooded managing updates. Maybe I would wait until the interview day to update that specific program (so you can ask if they favor receiving updates about those activities). I recommend waiting for other schools to extend an II first as well, but others may differ (highly school specific).
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We don't have a WAMC profile to know where you planned to send applications, and I'm not sure if you are referring to Canadian or US institutions (I suspect the latter).

I cover the Canadian medical system in Becoming a Student Doctor, and while medicine is similar, practice is different. Others here who have more practical experience can comment. In general, if you want to work in the US, shadow in the US.

What you submit in your application matters. If updates mattered, all admissions offices would be flooded managing updates. Maybe I would wait until the interview day to update that specific program (so you can ask if they favor receiving updates about those activities). I recommend waiting for other schools to extend an II first as well, but others may differ (highly school specific).
I received the II from a T10 and the majority of schools i applied to are in the T20 just because they are the ones that are Canadian friendly. And just to clarify, I wanna send an update to the schools that haven’t sent me an II just in case that that is the reason. Thank you!
Hey all! I want opinions on whether i should send an update letter. Im a Canadian applicant with shadowing experience at a country not in the US or Canada (not a medical mission of any sorts, just the country where my family lives) and I'm worried that this is a big red flag. I managed to get a Canadian physicians approval to shadow him, would this warrant an update? Idk how much "closer" to the US the Canadian system is seen and if shadowing here is equal. I also have other new activities that I can add as well as a paper that is going to be submitted for publication soon. I submitted most of my secondaries in mid september and got an II from a school, so Im hoping its not seen as a red flag.
What are the new activities?

Shadowing is not worthy an update. The paper is only if it is accepted for publication. With the new activities it depends on what it is
Was asked to be on the DEI committee of the research institute i do research at. Career development coordinator for the same institute. Starting a mentorship program to connect to undergrads to grad students in cancer research. I only want to mention the shadowing because I feel like its a very weak/screenable part of my app but I see now that its not worth it. Thank you!!