US Pharmacy School > Canadian Pharmacy

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Aug 31, 2007
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Can people who studied and graduated in a US Pharmacy school work in ANY Canadian Pharmacies?

The reason why I'm asking is because I plan on going to study at University of the Pacific (NOT Pacific University) for the Five-Year (2+3) Pre-Pharmacy/PharmD.

My requirements are:

- Minimum GPA of 3.6 (4 point scale) -- I guess that means 80%?

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You mean that you are living in Canada, want to go to UOP and go back to work at your country???

If this is the case, I guess you might check the Board at Canada...
You mean that you are living in Canada, want to go to UOP and go back to work at your country???

If this is the case, I guess you might check the Board at Canada...

Yes, I was born and raised in Canada. I also want to go to UOP, then come back here to work...
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I wouldn't guess that a 3.6 is equivilant to an 80%, just to let you know. That's about an A- average here/around 90%. Not sure how the conversion works.
The UOP Pharmacy program always makes me chuckle a little because of the distinction between the 5, 6, and 7 year program depending on if your SAT was an (old scale) 1000, 1100, or 1200 and GPA also scaling upwards. If it was that easy to get into pharmacy school through the high school route, why do they make it so difficult for the rest of the 1000+ people who did not go through the 0-5-6-7 program and fight for the other 100 spots? The discontinuity is a little discerning. At least they make you go through a pharmacy interview, although I would question how much one could truly know about pharmacy as a senior in high school (not that I'm saying you don't, but I certainly didn't back then).
so.. u've given up on UBC's pharm school before u even give it a try? n decide to head down south now?
so.. u've given up on UBC's pharm school before u even give it a try? n decide to head down south now?

haha... Nope not yet. I just want back ups for my back ups.

I'm absolutely certain that I can do this. I have the right mind-set -- which I work on everyday and it works brilliantly. Now I just need to put in the action.

I have a strong feeling in my gut that I will be going to a Canadian university in two years time.

I don't know if we're aloud to choose courses/teachers in university that will be conducive to the success in PCAT or pharmacy school, but my back up will be majoring in biology.

Thanks for your help, guys. And a big thanks to Michelle for motivating me. I've now eliminated one big habit... PROCRASTINATION! I now do homework at home and NOT at school. I quit procrastinating on friday.. officially. :)