USIMG and FM in 2016 / 2017

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May 25, 2011
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I don't know where else on SDN I can ask this so here goes:

I'm an MS1 with a strong desire to match into FM. I have an interest in primary care and my background somewhat shows this since I've worked in public health before starting medical school. For reference, I have an MPH and I'm 28 years old with seven years prior work experience in health care. I'm attending a medical school in a country where I have strong family ties. This program allows one-year of rotations in the US.

I keep reading about the great residency crunch / squeeze anticipated in 2016/2017 and it's making me anxious. I knew upon taking this route that I'd be at a disadvantage being a USIMG but felt it was still worth it. I'd say that seeing the news of the ACGME/AOA combined Match for 2015 was somewhat perturbing from my perspective because I'm not sure how that will play out for IMGs in the near future. I have a few questions:

1. Are FM positions slated to grow? I've read that FM programs can pull funding from sources other than DHHS if need be.

2. Will USIMGs still have a shot at FM? I'd be willing to go anywhere.

Your input and speculation on these questions much appreciated!

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Your thoughts, opinions, and speculation kindly appreciated!
I can give you an opinion since you said all are welcomed.

The residency system was never built with IMGs in mind. Just the number of US MD schools were kept constant as well as the number of DO schools as residencies grew. IMGs filled the number of programs that were unpopular and all was well. (This is excluding super star IMGs).

Now to answer you're questions:

1) I believe Obama signed into law to add a few more FM residencies, but with the number of medical schools growing at a faster rate, it might not be much to stem the tide.

2) For FM positions, you will probably be competing with more people than you were used to. It's up to you to make sure you do your research about what programs may prefer IMGs over DO (there's a few out there I'm sure).
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fact of the matter here is that DO's and MD's should grow at a rate where they will fill the majority of the spots by 2016 and 2017. Of course, these things never happen as quickly as stated. Originally, this was supposed to happen by 2013, so take the goal with a grain of salt. It would also take a great shift in medicine. Most MD's and somewhat DO's are very specialty oriented. Not a ton of interest in FM. So with more DO's and MD's you will see increased competition at the competitive specialties and then some of those will slide into FM. Just as a heads up, MD's from US will always be preferentially selected over you unless you come from a reputable foreign school like cambridge or oxford or royal college of surgeons. You have to nail your boards, get good experience, strong LOR's and be prepared. There will definitely be room for you, but be prepared to fight for that slot.
fact of the matter here is that DO's and MD's should grow at a rate where they will fill the majority of the spots by 2016 and 2017. Of course, these things never happen as quickly as stated. Originally, this was supposed to happen by 2013, so take the goal with a grain of salt. It would also take a great shift in medicine. Most MD's and somewhat DO's are very specialty oriented. Not a ton of interest in FM. So with more DO's and MD's you will see increased competition at the competitive specialties and then some of those will slide into FM. Just as a heads up, MD's from US will always be preferentially selected over you unless you come from a reputable foreign school like cambridge or oxford or royal college of surgeons. You have to nail your boards, get good experience, strong LOR's and be prepared. There will definitely be room for you, but be prepared to fight for that slot.

I appreciate your response! Much of what you've posted goes along with my feelings about this upcoming scenario. I'll do whatever it takes as long as that prospect is there.

Any other lurkers reading here in a similar situation?
I can give you an opinion since you said all are welcomed.

The residency system was never built with IMGs in mind. Just the number of US MD schools were kept constant as well as the number of DO schools as residencies grew. IMGs filled the number of programs that were unpopular and all was well. (This is excluding super star IMGs).

Now to answer you're questions:

1) I believe Obama signed into law to add a few more FM residencies, but with the number of medical schools growing at a faster rate, it might not be much to stem the tide.

2) For FM positions, you will probably be competing with more people than you were used to. It's up to you to make sure you do your research about what programs may prefer IMGs over DO (there's a few out there I'm sure).

what score do you define as nailing the boards?