USMLE Timeline vs. Match

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Sweatshop FP in Ontario
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Nov 20, 2001
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Hi all,

I goto a school outside America - I will take stepI this year (the same year I apply for residency). I had a couple of questions:

- how long does it take for Step I scores to be available from the time you take the test?
- what is theoretically the last month to take the test and still be in time for US residency applications (based on the timelines for getting scores back)?

Thanks so much,

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Mike59 said:
Hi all,

I goto a school outside America - I will take stepI this year (the same year I apply for residency). I had a couple of questions:

- how long does it take for Step I scores to be available from the time you take the test?
- what is theoretically the last month to take the test and still be in time for US residency applications (based on the timelines for getting scores back)?

Thanks so much,

It takes 4-6 weeks to get results back on the clinical knowledge tests. The clinical skills test has several factors like where you take it, the number of people who are taking it around the same time as you etc but supposedly will be on a 6 weeks timeline after mid february.