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Jul 8, 2023
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these schools are such polar opposites and i do not know which one to choose.

the biggest difference is that VCOM is 70% mandatory lectures and has 2-3 exams every week. it also has 11-week blocks, with 1 week off after (if you are not remediating). so you are grinding for 11 weeks at a time, but then you get 1 week off if you dont remediate. some say that with the long blocks + test heavy schedule + mandatory attendance, it is just too much. on the other hand, more exams per block = more "buffering" when it comes to grades. of note, vcom does not rank its students.

nsu has no mandatory lectures, everything is virtual. only required in-person things are OMM lab + exams obviously. their "blocks" are shorter (4-6 weeks long) and there are 3-4 exams per month. so the argument here would be less exams per block = less "buffering" of the grades. but it is clearly more chill than VCOM is when it comes to lifestyle of the medical student.

in my opinion, being forced to show up on campus for daily lectures sounds terrible. especially when i have an acceptance to a school with no required attendance. but some are arguing to say that a school with required attendance + heavy testing = better learning? im not sure about this. i need help though. i know that nsu is expensive but i dont care. im focused on my stress levels as a medical student and my lifestyle. i do not want to be miserable if i do not have to. thats all

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both have their pros and cons. Maybe put what you would consider to be pros and cons for each for you.
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VCOM-Auburn is an excellent institution; I've known attendings and friends who went there who are great docs. However, the mandatory attendance thing would be a deal breaker for me. I have a mandatory attendance curriculum and it sucks for me personally.

Now if it's mandatory attendance, but you're allowed to just put noise-cancelling headphones on and study, that would be completely fine.

but some are arguing to say that a school with required attendance + heavy testing = better learning?
Now this is bad advice. Some people do better in class, some people do better at the library hammering flashcards, but the thing is, if you go to a school with mandatory, you don't have that choice.

Board pass rates are less a reflection of your school 's curriculum and more "how many students did UFAPS at this school." Now, if Nova doesn't teach ANY step 1 relevant material, it would make your life harder to study for two separate curriculums at once, but most schools don't do this.

Do take into account COA- it's not Monopoly money, you have to pay it back. Borrowing $450,000-$600,000 and then becoming a family doc or pediatrician kinda hurts. You can pay that debt off, but it'll hurt.

What's the price difference?
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Just my two cents but I think no required lectures is huge, also, if you fall behind at VCOM its harder to do well on the exams due to the frequency of them. I think if you are more of a self-learner, NSU is the way to go.
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Imo VCOM is better. You can choose for the most part which classes you skip (besides anatomy lab and OMM lab). The classes you do attend you can put in headphones and do whatever you don’t have to listen. But there’s something to be said about the community and support system you build with curriculum set up this way. You also build stronger relationships with classmates and faculty members which comes in handy for research + connections.
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Imo VCOM is better. You can choose for the most part which classes you skip (besides anatomy lab and OMM lab). The classes you do attend you can put in headphones and do whatever you don’t have to listen. But there’s something to be said about the community and support system you build with curriculum set up this way. You also build stronger relationships with classmates and faculty members which comes in handy for research + connections.
Assuming this person knows her stuff (I currently don't have any friends at VCOM), I wouldn't even stress over the mandatory attendance thing. If you can wear noise-cancelling head phones that's no big deal.

Not throwing shade OMMgal just don't want to act like I know something I don't haha
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I heard things about NSU blackballing students, its somewhere on reddit.
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