VCU LOE Requirements

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Jan 5, 2017
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I'm planning on getting my LOR ready for this upcoming dental school application cycle. I read on VCU's website that they expect 2 life science professors and 1 dentist.

I am thinking about asking my A&P professor, my English professor, and my Orgo professor. Plus my dentist....

Do I cover VCU's requirements with the A&P and Orgo prof- or do I somehow need to find another LOR???

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You should be fine.
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That should be fine! I guess they aren’t too strict about it because I had one from my orgo professor, one from a bio professor that I was a TA for (I didn’t actually take his class), and one from a dentist. Let me know if you have any other questions about VCU and I’d be happy to help!
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