Vet Experience

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10+ Year Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Hi all,

I just started volunteer at this small animal hospital and so far, it's been great, I learned tons of all the vet assistants, I also get to listen in during consultation, but I am wondering does it count as vet experience, or I need actually work directly with the vet?

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Hi all,

I just started volunteer at this small animal hospital and so far, it's been great, I learned tons of all the vet assistants, I also get to listen in during consultation, but I am wondering does it count as vet experience, or I need actually work directly with the vet?

Vet experience is exactly what it sounds like. You need to shadow a licensed veterinarian to have it count toward vet experience. Although you do learn a lot from experienced vet techs. You could probably put that time down under animal exposure.
Usually, any volunteering done at a vet hospital is considered vet experience. Are you isolated from the veterinarians? Do you not get to speak with them? If you have no contact with the vet, that's a pretty strange situation. It's also a concern if you don't get to know the vet at all because you will need at least one letter of reccomendation from a veterinarian that knows you well.

Anyway, I *think* this would still be vet experience, but I'm also not sure if I understand what you mean by not working "directly with the vet." Can you elaborate on that?
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Yeah, I think on paper it would be considered veterinary experience, although if you arn't working directly with a vet it doesn't sound like very good veterinary experience.

The whole point of the need for veterinary experience is to learn what exactly a veterinarian does. And its really hard to learn that without actually working with the vet.
I volunteered at two small animal hospitals and counted it as vet experience. I did however interact with the vet on a regular basis. She knew my name, knew my skills and abilities, and called on me for help if we were really busy. She also directed me to the microscope or blood work results shoudl she find anything interesting. For the most part when i started out, and a large portion of the time during my last few weeks, I worked a majority of the time with the techs, but i still interacted with the vet quite a lot.

So that's a judgement call on your part. Maybe elaborate on what is is like ofr you when you go in. what are your tasks? does the vet know your name or call on you to teahc you or help them?
I just started at this animal hospital, the vets do know my name and we chatted occasionally, I was just concern if I am interacting enough with them, for now, they ask me to do minor stuff, talk to owners run blood tests, listen in during consultation, nothing big, and one in particular would explain in more detail after consult, so hopefully i am going in the right direction.
I just started at this animal hospital, the vets do know my name and we chatted occasionally, I was just concern if I am interacting enough with them, for now, they ask me to do minor stuff, talk to owners run blood tests, listen in during consultation, nothing big, and one in particular would explain in more detail after consult, so hopefully i am going in the right direction.

I think you are. Just let them know (and keep reminding them) that you are interested in learning and growth. Hopefully they may offer you a position as a tech at some point. I know i was offered multiple times, but didn't want to stay in smalll animal, and the hours just didn't work for me.

Enjoy, and keep learning and asking questions!